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What are Spanish Squats: Benefits & When to Use Them

Spanish Squats strengthen the lower-body muscles and can be performed by those recovering from injuries. Read on to find everything from their correct form to the benefits.

Sandra Adams
What are Spanish Squats: Benefits & When to Use Them
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Spanish squats are often dismissed as an exercise exclusively reserved for rehabilitative purposes, solely utilized by those trying to recover from knee injuries such as jumper’s knee (patella tendinopathy).

However, Spanish squats could be a powerful tool to prevent and improve lower body strength. Not only do Spanish squats isolate the quads effectively, but they may also be used to strengthen the entire lower body for improved stability and balance.

This guide outlines everything you need to know about Spanish squats: the benefits of doing this exercise, what muscles it works, and things you should consider before starting. For those with current knee pain or who are experiencing hip or knee instability, we highly advise consulting with a physical therapist before beginning Spanish squats.

Cure or Prevention: Who Can Perform Spanish Squats?

When it comes to curing or preventing injury, Spanish Squats can be beneficial for many people. These squats are squat exercises that engage the lower body muscles and help strengthen the core muscles.

They involve keeping your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, wrapping a pullup band around a solid object and the back of your knees, and lastly, bending your knees to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground. This type of squat is excellent for those who want to improve their balance and agility.

Anyone can do Spanish Squats with the proper form. However, you must start slowly if you are new to this exercise. Make sure your feet remain firmly planted on the ground and keep your back straight as you move through the exercise.

It is also recommended that individuals warm up properly before starting the exercise, as it can involve a lot of strain if you push yourself too hard. With practice and patience, Spanish Squats are an effective way to strengthen your legs and protect yourself from injury.

Additionally, Spanish Squats can be used in conjunction with other exercises to target different muscles and increase the intensity of your workout.

It is always important to listen to your body and stop if you feel pain or discomfort. With proper form, speed, and intensity, Spanish Squats can help you improve your strength and performance.

Spanish Squats are a great exercise for anyone looking to improve their lower body strength and protect themselves from injury. It is important to perform this exercise with the proper form and intensity; it can effectively build muscle and increase agility. So don’t hesitate—to give Spanish Squats a try today!

Correct Workout Method: How to Do Spanish Squats?

Spanish squats are very challenging full-body exercises that can benefit you in several aspects of fitness. However, using the correct form when performing these squats is important to maximize their effectiveness and reduce injury risk. By sticking to proper form, Spanish squats can be a great way to build strength and stability in the legs and core. Here is how to do it correctly:

  • Attach a pull up band/long band around a stationary object.
  • Take that same band and wrap it behind the back of your legs around your knees.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Shift your weight into your heels and keep a neutral spine.
  • Engage your core muscles to prevent your lower back from arching, and make sure that your shoulders are relaxed, not shrugged up towards your ears.
  • Next, slowly sit back into a squat position. Only go as low as you feel comfortable and maintain good form throughout. Try to maintain a 90-degree position to maximize the benefits.
  • Once you’ve reached a comfortable depth, press through your heel to return to the standing position and repeat the same for a desired number of reps, keep in mind that your knee should never pass your toes, and make sure you’re not rounding your back as you stand.

With consistent practice, you’ll soon be mastering this challenging exercise!

Benefits of Spanish Squats

Spanish squats are a great addition to any workout routine. You can also use a resistance band or equipment such as kettlebells or dumbbells to increase the benefits by leveling up. Here are some of the most prominent benefits of this exercise.

Improved Hip Mobility & Stronger Muscles

The exercise can help improve your hip mobility and range of motion. This is especially important for athletes who must be agile and flexible on the field or court. Moreover, the squatting movement strengthens the glutes and hamstrings, two essential muscles for athletes.

Increased Stability, Balance & Flexibility

Spanish squats can help increase your stability and balance, which is essential for athletes to keep their feet on the ground and stay in control during games or practices. Squats can also increase your flexibility, helping athletes who want to stay agile and perform well in their sport.

Improved Core Strength & Overall Performance

The squatting movement also helps strengthen your core muscles, which all athletes need for better performance. Spanish squats can help enhance your overall athletic performance by increasing your strength and power, which all athletes need to compete at a higher level.

Improved Posture

Doing Spanish squats can improve your posture by strengthening the muscles around the spine, something that all athletes need to keep their bodies in alignment.

Muscles Worked By Spanish Squats

Squats are one of the best all-around exercises for strengthening and sculpting the lower body muscles. When done correctly, they target various muscles in both the front and back of your legs, along with some core and upper body stabilizers. The following is a list of primary Spanish squats muscles worked:


The gluteal (buttock) muscles, primarily the gluteus maximus, are one of the main targets of squats. Squatting activates the glutes and helps to strengthen them.


The four large muscles on the front of your thighs are called the quadriceps. When you perform squats, these muscles are responsible for extending your legs to stand up from the squatting position.


The three large muscles on the back of your thighs are referred to as hamstrings. Squats work these muscles by helping you push off with them when returning to a standing position.


Many people don't realize that squats also work your core muscles. As you squat, your deep abdominal muscles (transverse abdominis) help to stabilize and support the movement.

Upper Body Stabilizers

While not as apparent as some of the other primary muscles worked during a squat, several upper body stabilizer muscles get activated while performing the exercise. These include the trapezius, rhomboids, erector spinae, and rotator cuff muscles.

In addition to these primary Spanish squats muscles, other secondary muscles, such as your calves and hips, can also be targeted depending on how deep you go in the squat position.

With regular practice of this exercise, you can strengthen and tone all the muscles of your lower body and improve overall balance.

Mistakes to Avoid While Performing Spanish Squats

Spanish squats are a great way to increase the demand on your quadriceps muscle, much more so than a regular squat. Here are some things the trainee must avoid to ensure the best results. Take a look before you begin your fitness plan with the addition of Spanish squats:

  • The key to making this exercise as effective as possible is having an upright trunk with minimal lean – if you lean too far forward, you'll lose the exercise's impact and rely more on your hip muscles.
  • An upright trunk also helps increase mobility in the hips and ankles, which can be beneficial whether or not you're looking to build muscle. Paying attention to posture and positioning will help maximize the Spanish squat's unique benefits.
  • For Spanish squats, it's essential to pay attention to your depth. Many athletes try to go as low as possible, which restricts the muscles and tendons from achieving maximum benefit. Instead, you should aim for a 90-degree angle parallel to the ground, allowing the muscles and tendons in your legs to be optimally activated and appropriately stressed. This depth also works best for form and balance, given its lack of risk for injury. It may feel too shallow initially, but trust us: when done consistently with proper technique, Spanish squats with parallel depth will yield impressive gains over time.
  • For full quadriceps and glute activation, we must maintain a proper form that consists of vertical shins. This means ensuring our knees don’t go past our toes when we’re in the bottom portion of the squat.
  • Another great tip is to keep your knee in the middle part of your foot or try to parallel it to the ground. This sets up a short lever arm which provides more focused muscle-building opportunities in the quadriceps group than would be otherwise achievable with improper form.


There are many benefits of incorporating Spanish squats into your routine as an athlete or in general. The movement is a great exercise to strengthen your lower body without putting too much pressure on your joints. Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that you should always be mindful of your form when doing Spanish squats and ensure not to overdo it, as this could lead to injury. However, with proper technique, Spanish squats can help athletes reach their goals. And incorporating them into your routine will take your athletic ability to the next level! Good luck!

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Sandra Adams

Hi, I'm Sandra Adams, a certified personal trainer and fitness blogger dedicated to helping women reach their health and wellness goals. With over a decade of experience in the fitness industry, I specialize in crafting effective, easy-to-follow workout routines that fit into even the busiest schedules. 

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