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7 Day Meal Plan to Lower Cholesterol Levels & Lose Weight

Are you ready to reduce your cholesterol? The following 7 day meal plan will help you get started on a path towards lower cholesterol, losing weight and better health.

Sandra Adams
7 Day Meal Plan to Lower Cholesterol Levels & Lose Weight
Table Of Contents

Gone are the days when only older generations suffered from high cholesterol and cardiac diseases. Today's unhealthy lifestyle habits including lack of physical activity and poor eating habits have caused even younger generations to suffer from cholesterol related issues. Since having high cholesterol cannot be figured out until symptoms worsen, many people are unaware of their cholesterol levels. As per the 2008 research conducted by the world health organization, 39% of adults suffer from high cholesterol levels, causing 2.6 million deaths in a year around the globe.

Even though genetics play a role in having cholesterol issues, a lot of the credit goes to the poor lifestyle. Therefore, in this article, we have concluded everything you should know regarding good and bad cholesterol levels and a 7-day Low Cholesterol Diet Plan to live healthy and happy.

Before giving you the diet plan, you must understand this disease and how cholesterol levels rise. Then we'll tell you the foods you can incorporate into your diet to control these rising levels, with a fully planned 7-day diet plan to help you control your cholesterol so your heart can keep pumping blood to your organs effectively and efficiently.

What Is Cholesterol?

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a wax-like fatty substance produced in the liver and is found in our blood and body cells. Cholesterol is not just produced by our bodies but is found in various food items as well that are taken from animals, such as egg yolks, meat, and whole-milk dairy products. Even though it is essential for our good health, too much cholesterol can be dangerous.

How Do Cholesterol Levels Rise?

Further in the discussion of cholesterol, it is important to understand the good and bad cholesterol and how they rise to a dangerous level in our bodies, leading to heart attacks and various cardiovascular diseases.

One-third of cholesterol found in the body is produced inside the liver, and the rest is consumed through our diets. When we consume food, or the liver produces cholesterol, which is then carried in our blood by proteins called lipoproteins.

The two types of lipoproteins that make up total cholesterol in our body are; low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL), also known as the bad and good cholesterol.

Types of Chlesterol

Low-density lipoproteins make up most of the cholesterol found in our bodies. In layman's terms, LDL is called bad cholesterol because high levels of LDL lead to high chances of strokes and heart diseases.

High-density lipoprotein represents a relatively minor part of the cholesterol in the body and is known as good cholesterol. This is because HDL absorbs the cholesterol and sends it back to the liver, which is then flushed out of the system, ultimately lowering the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

An excess of bad cholesterol or LDL in our body starts to build upon the walls of the blood vessels. This build-up, also known as plaque, reduces blood flow to the heart and other organs, leading to angina or heart attacks, etc.

Healthy Foods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Now that you understand the difference between good and bad cholesterols and how they can affect your health, here is a list of foods that you can incorporate into your diet to control your cholesterol levels effectively. You can also shed the extra calories and lose fat using the Dmoose Fat Burner which suppresses your appetite and enhances your metabolism.

1. Beans and Lentils

1. Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are rich in soluble fiber and are free of cholesterol. Since beans and lentils are plant-based proteins, they help reduce the body's bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein.

For example, red, yellow, green, and brown lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, runner beans, etc.

2. Food Rich in Healthy Fats

2. Foods Rich in Healthy Fats

Just like good and bad cholesterol, fats are also classified as good and bad based on different kinds of fat. Food with mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats is good for the heart as they help increase high-density lipoproteins. For example, avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, salmon, sardines, vegetable oils, spreads, etc.

3. Oats and Barley

3. Oats and Barley

Instead of consuming processed food, add more whole-grain foods wherever possible. Whole-grain foods contain a good amount of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which helps lower bad cholesterol levels. For example, Oats, barley, brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc., are the best whole-grain foods that you can easily add to your diet to lower the low-density lipoproteins in your body.

4. Fruits and Vegetables

4. Fruits and Vegetables

Colorful fruits and vegetables contain substantial amounts of soluble fiber in their skin, which helps protect you against any cardiovascular diseases, lowering cholesterol consumption and reducing LDL levels. For example: consuming carrots and potatoes with their peels, adding orange and lemon peels in salads, etc.

To enhance your dietary changes, consider taking Dmoose multivitamins as a supplement. It can help maintain your vitamin levels and offers additional advantages, making it an excellent complement to your lifestyle.

5. Nuts

5. Nuts

Unsalted and unroasted nuts that are close to their naturally ripe stage are the ones that contain fats and soluble fibers. Those nuts specifically found with skin are great for the heart as they're linked to lowering harmful cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

For example, pistachios, almonds, pecan nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.

How to Meal Prep for the Week?

Now that you're well aware of all the things you need to incorporate in your everyday diets and how beneficial they are for you in lowering the harmful cholesterol levels, we've designed a complete 7-day meal plan.

This meal plan contains everything you need to consume throughout the day for an entire week. To make it even easier for you, we've written the calories, fats, proteins, etc. you'll be consuming throughout the day to know exactly what you're eating and how much you're eating.

Monday (Day 1)

Breakfast: (405 calories)

1 serving of Greek yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and honey

Lunch: (532 calories)

2 hummus and vegetable sandwiches

Supper: (567 calories)

1 serving roasted salmon with 2 servings of green garlic beans

Total calories for the day: 1504 calories

Total Carbs: 58g

Total fat: 84g

Total protein: 78g

Tuesday (Day 2)

Breakfast: (392 calories)

2 servings of spinach, Swiss and egg white omelet with 2 slices of whole-wheat toast

Lunch: (534 calories)

1 serving of tuna stuffed pepper with 1 avocado

Supper: (570 calories)

2 servings of chicken and side veggies

Total calories for the day: 1496 calories

Total carbs: 126g

Total fat: 149g

Total proteins: 138g

Wednesday (Day 3)

Breakfast: (405 calories)

1 serving of Greek yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and honey

Lunch: (467 calories)

1 serving of basic mixed green salad with peanut butter and celery (4 stalks of celery with 4 tablespoons of peanut butter)

Supper: (501 calories)

2 servings of vegetable stir fry

Total calories for the day: 1493 calories

Total carbs: 103g

Total fats: 84g

Total proteins: 96g

Thursday (Day 4)

Breakfast: (397 calories)

1 serving southwestern eggs with 2 slices of whole-wheat toast

Lunch: (518 calories)

1 simple Caprese sandwich with 1 ounce of almonds

Supper: (589 calories)

2 servings of vegetables and chicken salad

Total calories for the day: 1504 calories

Total carbs: 127g

Total fats: 75g

Total proteins: 88g

Friday (Day 5)

Breakfast: (430 calories)

2 servings of spinach and mushroom breakfast scramble with 1 cup of strawberries

Lunch: (404 calories)

1 serving of chicken and avocado salad

Supper: (679 calories)

2 kidney bean quesadillas tortillas

Total calories for the day: 1513 calories

Total carbs: 120g

Total fats: 62g

Total proteins: 127g

Saturday (Day 6)

Breakfast: (445 calories)

Gordon Ramsay's scrambled eggs

Lunch: (467 calories)

1 serving of basic mixed green salad with peanut butter and celery 4 stalks of celery with 4 tablespoons of peanut butter

Supper: (524 calories)

1 serving of tuna patties with 2 servings of green beans with olive oil

Total calories for the day: 1436 calories

Total carbs: 69g

Total fats: 95g

Total proteins: 87g

Sunday (Day 7)

Breakfast: (443 calories)

1 serving of peach yogurt parfait

Lunch: (426 calories)

2 tomatoes and hummus on rye sandwiches

Supper: (630 calories)

1 chicken wrap with 2 servings of steamed broccoli with olive oil and parmesan

Total calories for the day: 1499 calories

Total carbs: 168g

Total fats: 65g

Total proteins: 75g

Final Words

Adopting a low-cholesterol diet plan is a powerful tool for beginners to improve their heart health and overall well-being. Throughout this 7-day plan, we have explored a variety of nutritious and delicious meals that can help lower cholesterol levels.

By incorporating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your daily meals, you can reduce the intake of saturated and trans fats, which are significant contributors to high cholesterol. Additionally, these foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, further promoting cardiovascular health.

Reading List

Article Sources

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Sandra Adams

Hi, I'm Sandra Adams, a certified personal trainer and fitness blogger dedicated to helping women reach their health and wellness goals. With over a decade of experience in the fitness industry, I specialize in crafting effective, easy-to-follow workout routines that fit into even the busiest schedules. 

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