If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that there's nothing like a great chest workout to make you feel like you're on top of the world. But let's face it not allchest workouts are created equal.
If your chest routine has gone stale, or you're just not seeing the gains you want, it might be time to shake things up.
That's why we've compiled a list of 7 intense chest supersets to take your chest workout to the next level. These supersets will push you to your limits, but the rewards will be worth it. So get ready to sweat, scream, and push yourself to new heights as we dive into the world of chest supersets.
Chest Superset 1: Barbell Bench Press & Dumbbell Fly
Start the workout with a set that will demand maximum energy from you. Ideally, you should do three sets of superset 1 to gain maximum chest muscles. Aim to do 10 to 8 reps for each exercise.
If you want to take a breath, rest after performing one set of these exercises. For instance, do eight reps of barbell bench press, ten reps of dumbbell fly, and rest for 30 to 60 seconds.
After your rest, start again and do as many reps as possible. The barbell bench press will improve your upper body strength. It also prepares you to do other exercises, such as push up.
The dumbbell fly will further assist you in improving your range of motion. It also improves your core stability and shoulder strength.
Barbells help you utilize more muscles; that is the first exercise in your routine. After you finish the barbell bench press, grab a pair of dumbbells and perform the other exercise. You must be swift in performing exercises. Do not allow yourself to rest much. You will also need a quality bench to perform this workout.
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Barbell Bench Press

Target Muscles: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Needed: Barbell with Plates, Adjustable Bench
- Start by lying flat on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Position yourself in a way that the barbell is directly above your eyes when you extend your arms.
- Grab the barbell with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip, with your palms facing forward. Lift the barbell off the rack or have a spotter assist you in doing so.
- Lower the barbell in a controlled manner towards the middle of your chest, keeping your elbows tucked close to your body at around a 45-degree angle.
- Once the barbell touches your chest, push it back up to the starting position by extending your arms and engaging your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
Dumbbell Fly

Target muscles: Pectoral Muscles
Equipment needed: Dumbbells, Adjustable Bench.
- Begin by lying flat on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms above your chest with your palms facing each other. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows.
- Engage your core muscles and keep your feet planted firmly on the floor for stability throughout the exercise.
- Slowly lower your arms out to the sides in a wide arc, while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
- Continue lowering your arms until you feel a gentle stretch in your chest muscles. Be cautious not to go too far down, as this can strain your shoulders or cause discomfort.
- Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement and then slowly bring your arms back up to the starting position, maintaining control.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
Chest Superset 2: Incline Barbell Press & High Cable Fly
The next exercise in your chest workout is the incline barbell press, followed by the cable fly. If you feel your energy levels are declining, you can rest longer. It's important to return to your exercises with energy and focus.
The chest superset two includes three sets with at least 8 to 10 reps. You can aim for that to increase the number of sets. Maintain your movement throughout the workout. Adjust your reps according to your preference. In these three rounds of this superset, add weight to the barbell and increase the weight gradually.
The incline barbell press is a great movement to work on your upper body strength. If you want hypertrophy of chest muscles, anincline barbell press is your movement. It also improves your grip and isolates your chest muscles.
Because of the different angles of pressing movements, you will feel a challenge in your body. The incline dumbbell press engages shoulder muscles often ignored during chest exercises. You can also opt for an intra-workout supplement to fuel your energy. The supplement will pump your muscles till your last rep.
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Incline Barbell Press

Target muscles: Chest, Deltoids, Triceps
Equipment needed: Barbell and an adjustable bench.
- Set an adjustable bench to an inclined position of around 30-45 degrees. Sit on the bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor.
- Grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift the barbell off the rack or have a spotter assist you in doing so.
- Lower the barbell in a controlled manner towards the upper part of your chest, keeping your elbows tucked close to your body at around a 45-degree angle.
- Once the barbell gently touches your chest, push it back up to the starting position by extending your arms and engaging your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. Maintain control and avoid bouncing the bar off your chest.
- Exhale as you exert force during the upward movement and inhale as you lower the barbell down.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
High Cable Fly

Target muscles: Chest, triceps, deltoids
Equipment needed: Cable machine, attachments
- Adjust the cable machine pulleys to the desired height, usually around chest level. Stand in the center of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
- Grasp the handles or attachments attached to the pulleys. Stand with one foot slightly forward for stability.
- Begin by extending your arms forward and outward, bringing the handles together in front of your chest.
- Slowly reverse the movement, allowing your arms to return to the starting position under control, feeling a gentle stretch in your chest muscles.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
Chest Superset 3: Machine Chest Press & Suspension Trainer Pec Fly
After finishing at least three rounds of the second superset, rest quickly and drink water to stay hydrated. A hydration supplement such asEAA hydration powderwould be the best option. It will help you to stay hydrated and will aid in muscle recovery. It will also help you to grow more muscle mass. The supplement will also play a key role in improving your entire performance.
In the next superset, you should do three rounds for a definite time. Thirty seconds to 1 minute is the preferred time for these two exercises. The Superset 3 is slightly different from the first two supersets in this set, and you will utilize your muscle strength under tension.
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Machine Chest Press

Target muscles: Chest, triceps, deltoids
Equipment needed: Seated Chest Press Machine
- Start by adjusting the seat height and position on the machine to ensure that the handles are at chest level or slightly below. Sit on the machine with your back flat against the pad, feet flat on the floor, and grip the handles firmly.
- Ensure that your elbows are at approximately a 90-degree angle, with your upper arms parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.
- Exhale and push the handles forward, extending your arms fully but not locking out the elbows. Keep your back against the pad and maintain control throughout the movement.
- Pause briefly at the end of the movement, feeling the contraction in your chest muscles.
- Inhale as you slowly and under control, bring the handles back to the starting position, allowing your elbows to bend and your arms to return to the 90-degree angle.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
Suspension Trainer Pec Fly

Target muscles: Chest
Equipment needed: Suspension trainer
- Begin by adjusting the suspension trainer to an appropriate height. The handles should be slightly below shoulder level.
- Stand facing away from the anchor point of the suspension trainer, holding one handle in each hand. Take a step forward to create tension in the straps.
- Lean your body forward, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
- With control, open your arms out to the sides in a wide arc, squeezing your chest muscles as you do so. Your arms should remain slightly bent throughout the movement.
- Pause briefly at the end of the movement when your arms are extended and your chest muscles are engaged.
- Slowly bring your arms back together in front of your chest, returning to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions
Chest superset 4: Pec Dec & Deficit Pushup
When discussing chest workouts, pec decs and deficit push ups should be added to your list. These are the best exercises to build chest muscles and upper body strength. You can do these exercises under tension or by following 10 to 15 reps.
Thepec dec is a great exercise to build muscles in the upper body. Depending on your fitness level, you can adjust the weight accordingly. It also utilizes multiple muscles and is considered one of the best exercises.
At the same time, deficit push-ups focus on your deltoids, chest, and shoulders. It also plays a crucial role in preventing injuries as it strengthens the body. You should aim to do three rounds of this superset 3 for maximum results. Ensure to quickly switch between the two exercises to gain the most benefits.
You can take a rest after completing one set. But, aim to do two more sets. If you cannot do the workout, you can reduce the number of sets.
Pec Dec

Target muscles: Deltoids, chest, triceps
Equipment needed: Pec deck machine.
- Start by adjusting the seat height so that your elbows align with the machine's handles or pads. Ensure that your feet are firmly planted on the floor.
- Sit on the machine, positioning your back and shoulders against the backrest.
- Select an appropriate weight by moving the weight stack pin to your desired resistance level. Start with a manageable weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form.
- Exhale and push the handles or pads forward, bringing them together in front of your chest.
- Pause briefly at the point of maximum contraction, feeling the tension in your chest muscles.
- Inhale and slowly release the handles or pads, allowing them to move back to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout.
Deficit Push Ups

Target muscles: Core, upper body
Equipment needed: None
- Start in a high plank position with your hands on elevated platforms or objects, such as blocks, weight plates, or steps. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body.
- Descend until your chest is slightly below the level of your hands, maintaining a controlled movement.
- Push through your hands to extend your arms and raise your body back up to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control.
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Chest superset 5: Cable Crossover & Chest Dips
In your next superset, you will need a cable machine. The machine is quite versatile and can train many of your muscle groups. It utilizes your body's right and left sides in the same movement.
The machines are a one-stop solution to your many workouts. You can use them anytime. If you are unfamiliar with using a cable machine, it is best to ask for help from someone or a fitness professional.
Cable crossover targets your shoulder muscles. It gives you a strong back and improves the range of motion effectively. There are many variations that you can do in this exercise. However, a standing cable crossover is the most appropriate to work on your upper body.
Cable Crossover
Target muscles: Chest, pectoralis
Equipment needed: Cable machine
- Set the cable machine pulleys to the desired height. Stand in the center of the cable machine, facing away from the pulleys. Take a step forward with one foot for stability, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Grab the handles or stirrup attachments with an overhand grip and extend your arms out to the sides, creating a "T" shape with your body.
- Exhale and bring your hands forward and together, crossing them in front of your body.
- Inhale as you slowly and under control, return your arms to the starting position, allowing them to move back out to the sides.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.
Chest Dips

Target muscles: Chest muscles, back, front shoulders
Equipment needed Equipment may vary
- Stand between a set of parallel bars or use dip bars. Place your hands on the bars, gripping them firmly with your palms facing down.
- Jump up or use a step to lift yourself off the ground and support your bodyweight with your arms. This is your starting position.
- Lower your body by bending your elbows, allowing your chest to move towards the bars. Keep your elbows tucked close to your sides.
- Descend until your shoulders are below your elbows or until you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest muscles.
- Push through your palms to extend your elbows and raise your body back up to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.
Chest superset 6: Decline Dumbbell Press & Incline Bench Cable Fly
Toward the end of your workout, your exercises become more challenging. The intensity of the workout also increases gradually. After getting done with superset 5, give yourself a quick rest. It will help you to restore your energy. Besides, you will do the last two supersets with energy and focus.
In superset 6, you perform a decline press fly and incline cable fly. Both of these exercises target the strength of your upper body and give you muscle mass. You will also need a pair of dumbbells for these exercises.
Aim to do these exercises for 7 to 10 reps. You can go for that to increase the number of reps. You also need to do 2 or 3 rounds of superset 6.
Decline Dumbbell Press

Target muscles: Shoulders and upper back
Equipment needed: Dumbbell
- Set up a decline bench at an angle of around 15-30 degrees. Secure your feet at the top of the bench to maintain stability.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, resting them on your thighs. Sit on the bench and then lie back, bringing the dumbbells to the sides of your chest with your palms facing forward.
- Engage your core and press the dumbbells upward, extending your arms fully. Keep your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement.
- Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner, bringing them back to the starting position near your chest. Maintain control and avoid bouncing the weights off your chest.
- Repeat the exercise as tolerated.
Incline Bench Cable Fly

Target muscles: Chest, back, core, triceps
Equipment needed: Cable Machine, weight bench.
- Set an adjustable bench to an inclined position of around 30-45 degrees. Sit on the bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor.
- Adjust the cable machine pulleys to a height slightly above your shoulders.
- Lie back on the incline bench, ensuring your head, back, and buttocks are firmly supported. Grab the handles or stirrup attachments with an overhand grip, palms facing forward.
- Engage your core and maintain a slight bend in your elbows. This is your starting position.
- Exhale and slowly bring your arms out to the sides, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
- Pause briefly at the point of maximum contraction, feeling the tension in your chest muscles.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control.
Chest superset 7: Smith Machine Flat Bench Press & Incline Push Ups
In the last superset, you will use the machines. In this set, you should be focused on utilizing all your muscles.
Since it's the last set, you should be giving all to it. After the workout, you can get a glass of a post-workout supplement. The supplement will help you recover fast and support your muscle-building process. It improves your endurance and gives you the right ingredients to keep you working after exercise.
The last superset ends with a smith machine flat bench press and incline push ups. You will need a smith machine to perform the last exercise. The last superset also requires exercising for three rounds. The number of reps in each set is 12. The exercises will add strength to your upper body. The exercises are also perfect to end your chest workout.
Smith Machine Flat Bench Press

Target muscles: Deltoids, chest, triceps
Equipment needed: Smith Machine
- Set the bar on the Smith Machine to an appropriate height. Lie flat on a bench positioned beneath the bar, ensuring that your eyes are aligned with the barbell.
- Grab the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar off the rack or have a spotter assist you.
- Lower the bar in a controlled manner towards your chest, keeping your elbows tucked close to your body at around a 45-degree angle.
- Once the bar gently touches your chest, push it back up to the starting position by extending your arms and engaging your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.
Incline Push Ups

Target muscles: Upper back, triceps, chest
Equipment needed: None
- Place your hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench, step, or sturdy platform, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Position yourself in a high plank position, with your feet on the ground and your body forming a straight line.
- Lower your chest towards the elevated surface by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body. Descend until your chest is just above the surface.
- Push through your palms to extend your elbows and raise your body back up to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control.
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Final Words
Each superset targets your chest muscles. Each set has slight variations to ensure you work out with the same intensity. It is also advisable to rest less between exercises to maximize the effects of your workouts. Instead, you should be taking a rest of 30 seconds or 60 seconds between supersets.
The workout starts with free weights and quickly transitions to machines. The weight will build strength and allow you to work against the force. You need to work on your intensity, and your focus should be entirely on the exercises.
You can continue the workouts for as long as you want and stop anytime. But make sure to get involved in other exercises to avoid muscle loss.