Are you a beginner and looking out for ways to start working out?
Are you confused about where to start from?
Well, we understand that starting out on something new can be very intimidating, but it's time that you get up and start working out today because you've just stumbled upon the ultimate training guide.
This guide will help you understand the various kinds of workouts out there and guide you step by step on how you can get started on your fitness regime.
6 Types of Fitness Training You Need in Your Routine
Before you step into the overwhelming world of training, with various workouts and training regimes being offered all around, we've made a list of all the types of training.
These training descriptions will help you to choose the perfect type of training for your fitness journey.
1. Aerobics

Aerobics are exercises that help you elevate the heart rate quickly and strengthen your lungs by breathing in more oxygen. The faster the heart rate, the more calories you'll burn.
Aerobics include exercises like cycling, swimming, walking, skipping rope, running, etc.
2. Strength Training

As the name suggests, strength training exercises are those workouts that exert pressure on the muscles using resistance forces and help your muscles get pumped up and strong.
These workouts include exercises working with resistance bands, lifting heavyweight, push up, squats, etc.
3. Calisthenics

This is a variant of strength training; however, individuals use their body weights to power major muscle groups in calisthenics.
For example, jumping jacks, sitting up, planking, using pull-up bars to practice chin-ups, squatting with dip belts, etc.
4. High-Intensity Interval Trainings (HIIT)

In this kind of training, exercises are repeated in bursts. There will be a fast-paced workout that will elevate your heart rate and then an interval of slow-paced workouts. These exercises will switch back and forth to keep up your heart rate, burn more calories while helping your build more strength.
HIIT workouts are in different pairs: jumping jacks for 30 seconds and push-ups for 30 seconds, sprinting for 30 seconds and then walking for 30 seconds.
5. Balancing Exercises

As per the name, these exercises are designed to enhance your strength and improve your body coordination.
For example, using pilate rings for Pilates, tai chi, core strengthening workouts, etc.
6. Exercises for Improving Flexibility

Flexibility workouts help you with increasing your body's flexibility by stretching the muscles and helping you avoid any muscle straining during intensive workouts.
For example, doing yoga or individual muscle stretching.
Benefits of Training
Regardless of the kind of training you select for yourself; they will bring you unlimited benefits.
Here are a few basic benefits that you will enjoy when you start your workouts:
1. You Will Feel Happier
You must have heard people claim to be feeling happier and motivated when they work out.
Well, this is true. When you exercise, the brain releases hormones called endorphins that help elevate your mood and promote positive feelings while reducing the emotions of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Whether you choose aerobics, calisthenics, or strength training, you will enjoy the endorphin release regardless of the type of workout or its duration.
Studies have shown that people diagnosed with depression and anxiety feel happier when they start to work out. Furthermore, according to research when the active individuals who left out their exercises for even a few days started feeling depressed.
2. Aids Weight Loss
Obesity is one of the major problems faced by most nations, and studies prove that sitting for long durations is a major culprit.
Thinking that reducing calorie intake will help you lose weight is a myth and nothing more. If you reduce your calories and do not exercise, you will slow down your metabolism rate, and the weight loss will take ages to happen.
Whereas if you work out for even small durations, your metabolism rate will boost and help you burn away the calories, setting you on the weight loss journey a lot faster.
3. Makes Your Muscles and Bones Stronger
Whether you're old or young, having strong bones and muscles is crucial to avoid any fractures or diseases like osteoporosis.
Research shows that exercising releases hormones that help your muscles to absorb amino acids, which prevents the muscles from breaking.
Moreover, a regular workout helps gain bone density, maintain strength even when old, and reduce injuries.
4. Enhances Energy Levels
Research has proven that people enjoy higher energy levels when they work out.
Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome, serious illnesses like cancer, or any other disease, had proven to enjoy higher energy levels when they practiced frequent and regular physical activity.
5. Promotes Brain Health Memory
If you suffer poor memory skills or have flawed thinking and focusing abilities, exercising regularly promotes healthy brain activity.
Exercising increases the heart rate, allowing you to take in more oxygen and promote blood flow to the brain, enhancing performance.
Research shows that working out enhances adults' mental health and increases the size and growth of the hippocampus, which is a vital part of memory and learning.
Moreover, regardless of their type and duration, regular workout has been shown to prevent chronic diseases and reduce changes in the brain that contribute to Alzheimer's and schizophrenia.
6. Improves Sleep Quality
After a long tiring day, everyone looks forward to enjoying a deep long sleep without any disturbances. But what if you suffer insomnia as soon as you lay down? Doesn't it make you even more tired than you were?
Research has shown that working out regularly will help you sleep better at night. When exercising during the daytime, the body temperatures rise, keeping you active throughout the day, and as soon as you lay your head on the pillow, the temperature cools down, allowing you to enjoy deep sleep.
Furthermore, a study showed that people who incorporated a regular exercise routine in their life reported that it took them less time to fall asleep and enjoy a better sleep quality.
Apart from this, individuals with growing age experience poor sleeping patterns and even sleeping disorders. Studies showed that having a regular workout routine allowed older adults to sleep better and fight sleep disorders regardless of their kind.
How to Get Started?
Before you get started on your workouts, here are a few steps that you should consider to ensure that you follow through with your fitness regime efficiently.
1. Remember Why You Are Working Out
When starting on a new routine, specifically a fitness regime, it is always best to identify the reasons behind your goals.
Make sure that you have a set goal with a reason to work towards it. This particular reason will give you the motivation to work towards it every day until you've achieved it, be it healthy, a wedding, social gathering, or even the summer season.
Apart from the motivation, having a reason to exercise will allow you to work out at your own pace. No matter how many people you see at the gym, they all have different bodies, with different goals and different speeds. Your reason will allow you to follow your goal at your own pace without comparing it with anyone else.
2. Select the Best Time for Gym
Regardless of what people and blogs say about the best time to work out, the truth is that the perfect time to work out is when you feel you have the most energy and concentration to enjoy your workouts instead of taking them as a burden.
Some people like to exercise in the morning because it pumps them up for the rest of the day, allowing them to power through their routines without worrying about the gym.
While some people prefer exercising during the evenings when they are done with their day and can easily focus on their gym without thinking about work or time lines.
3. Set Realistic Goals
Always make sure you are setting SMART goals. SMART is an abbreviation for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound. Setting goals per this rule ensures that you are not going overboard with your goals and keeping realistic, achievable goals within your time limit.
Even though big goals are a great source of motivation for people, if you're unable to see any progress or finish it in your time, these same big goals become your biggest demotivator.
It is always best to have a big goal divided into multiple small goals within realistic timelines, so whenever you achieve a small goal or hit a milestone, you can celebrate it and regain the motivation to work towards your ultimate goal.
4. Finding Proper Gym Gears
Whether you're getting up from an illness, trying to make an impression on your first day of the job, or want to feel good about yourself, the first thing you do is to put on some nice clothes.
Similarly, when it comes to working out, it is best to invest in proper gym gear to see yourself clearly and evaluate the places you need to work on.
Apart from this, having good gym gear will also support your routine. For example, wearing a high-waisted gym tight will allow you to support your lower back when exercising while pushing your tummy in and activating your abs. Wearing the right sports shoes will give your feet the comfort and your soles the curves it needs to keep your feet tightly in place, giving you the perfect grip.
5. Learn the Basics of Machines and Exercises
Since you're starting on your fitness journey, it is unreasonable to believe that you know about every machine, and being over smart here can cause your strains and sprains, so it is best to understand the basics of every machine.
It is best to use the help of the gym trainers and various free apps to learn about the machines, how they work, what muscles they work etc., so you can progress your training journey without injuring yourself.
Remember, your machines and workouts should always be challenging, not difficult, that you end up feeling beaten in your motivation.
6. Find Your Everyday Motivation
It is inhumane to imagine that you will be motivated to do something every day, regardless of how much you enjoy doing it.
The same is the case with your fitness routine; that is why you must have an everyday motivation that forces you to get out of bed and work.
Your everyday motivation can be your gym friend's gatherings that keep you pushing to go every day, having a friend force you or push you to go out and move, etc.
7. Develop a Habit of Working Out
When it comes down to following a routine or adding some changes to your routine, it is important to develop a habit of it. But you must remember that habits don't develop within a week or two; rather, they require you to invest your time and discipline yourself enough to follow your goals.
It has been proven that people who work out regularly can develop its habit and add it to their routines effectively for the long term.
Furthermore, when it comes to developing a habit of working out, you must set a fixed time in the day when you will work out and allow yourself no reason to miss out on it and disciple yourself to follow through.
Starting on a workout routine seems to be difficult, but everything is difficult until you get started on it.
Learn about the fitness methods available to you and find out the best routine according to your lifestyle. Set yourself realistic goals and discipline yourself to follow through with them to develop a long-term habit.
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