During this Covid’19 pandemic, most of the things were shuttered; gyms, malls, offices, and many more. People who are fitness freaks and daily go to the gym and workout with heavy lifting dumbbells and weights could not workout anywhere. Some bought weight sets for home use. But, not everyone has space available at their home or apartment.
Many of us rediscovered the power of these resistance loop bands. These are stretchy resistance band sets that are easy to carry, lightweight, and provides you with a punishing workout for your muscles in the comfort of your living room.
What do you think you can do with resistance bands? Stretching, physical therapy, or warming up? Yes! All are valid answers. Did you know that bands are the most effective tool for building muscles? Resistance bands help build muscles effectively and without any risk as they are in free motion and do not have weights. They are easy to use and don’t bring any injury by lifting heavyweight training.
Bring some change in your life, do something new and effective that can bring a huge change in your body. Put down your dumbbells, heavyweights, barbells, rods for a day or a week and switch to resistance bands without any assistance and recommendations
What are resistance bands?

Resistance bands are soft, rubbery in texture, and come in various colors, lengths, and sizes. It is easy to convey and can be used anywhere. You need to add these bands to your daily routine workout to build up your muscles. These are simpler as compared to gym equipment. They come in three different forms: Ribbons, Loops, and Tubes.
Why are they used for?
These resistance bands are often used when someone comes back from an injury or in rehabilitation training. Most people have added these bands to their gym workout routines as well. It can be used in a way to fire up your muscles and to protect your joints.
What are resistance bands good for?
Each band exerts an equal amount of force in your muscles when it is stretched. These can be used for upper and lower body workouts. They are flexible, improve your movement, and provide support to your joints. Here is a great way through which you can take help while working on your muscles:
- Stabilizes your mobility
- Improves strength
- Less chance of injuries
- Stretchy and moveable
- Inexpensive
- Good for Rehabilitation
Can you build muscles with resistance bands?

Yes! You can build your muscles with resistance bands effectively. Your muscles need to grow properly, which requires proper sleep, diet, and rest because it takes time to heal and nurture. You can build your muscles with bodyweight exercises, whereas resistance bands will also tone your muscles at the same time. It helps to reduce body fat so that your muscles appear on the surface of your skin.
Do you need weights?

If you’re looking for a bulky body and your muscles should be bigger enough to scare someone, then yes, you need weights. If you wish for a lean body and building up your strength and overall fitness, you should buy resistance bands.
How to choose the right resistance band for you?
If you’re new to the resistance band and are not aware of which resistance band is right for you, then It would help if you bought a variety of resistance bands that must have different resistance levels.
If you just recovered from your injury and want to build your strength to that area, then you need to opt for lightest bands that should have more resistance to start with, until your therapist or doctor suggests you can move up a level.
How to use resistance bands?

If you need to build your body muscles using resistance bands, make your mind assured that they work the same way as free weights do. They, however, form resistance that your muscle will work against, unlike free weights. You may get to know that you need to do fewer reps with resistance bands than you do on heavy gym machines or with free weights.
You need to tie your bands to a hard surface that grip your rubber tightly, like a door handle, pullup bar, or other pieces of heavy equipment. While using these bands, always use a knot that won’t be un-tied again, so you can avoid injury.
Resistance band VS free weights

Resistance bands are much safer and easy to use compared to free weights. These bands are a great way to tone your body muscles, you can do so by doing slow reps in each set. Bands are amazing if you aren’t looking for serious size rather just looking to be fit and toned.
However, if your goal is to build bulky and muscular muscles, free weights are absolutely important. These bands will not bring that heavy change that you wish for, and consistent weight will.
Multiple types of researches and methodologies have been produced on resistance bands VS free weights to bring in knowledge for those who are unaware of and don’t know how to use them. Here is one for your guidance.
8 Resistance band exercises to build body muscles
These resistance band exercises will help you grow and tone your muscles, and these can be done at home or in a gym.
Lateral Band Walk

It is also known as side by sidewalk or lateral squat walk. It will target your hip and gluteus medius. By doing this exercise before working out can be a part of the warmup routine. Here few steps you need to follow:
- Keep your band flat, place the band above each ankle, and wrap around your legs.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The Band should be stiff but not overextended.
- Turn your knees and change into a semi-squat position to trigger the gluteus medius.
- Put your feet in track with your shoulders and face forward with your body weight evenly distributed over both feet.
- Maintaining the half-squat position, shift your weight over one leg and take a step sideways with the other leg. Your back should be straight, not rounded.
- Slowly shift your weight and switch legs.
- Do another 8 to 10 side steps.
Bent Over One Arm Row

One arm row is suitable for your arms and back. You can do it easily anywhere. All you need resistance bands.
- Loop the band around your feet and hold it there.
- Hold the handle with the same-side hand and place your other hand on your knee.
- Twist forward and pull the band straight up until the band comes near to your lower chest.
- Squeeze the back muscle before pulling down your arm and then repeating.
- Do 8 to 10 reps equally
Glute Bridge

It works on hamstrings, abs, and lower back. It doesn’t put pressure on your back, and it is a great exercise for those who are unable to do squats due to back or knee pain.
- Put your face up on the floor, with your knees curved and feet flat on the ground. Place your arms on another side with your palms down.
- Move your hips off the ground until your knees, place a resistance band across your hips and shoulders to train in a straight line.
- Press those glutes tightly and keep your abs in to overstretch your back while doing the workout.
- Grip your bridged position for a couple of seconds before easing back down.
- Do 8 to 10 reps in each set.

This exercise strengthens your outer hips and buttocks. It will stabilize the inner and outer thighs and pubic floor.
- Keep on your side with legs slanted and knees curved at a 45-degree position.
- Lie your head on your lower arm, and use your top arm to steady your frame. Be assured that your hip bones are set on top of another, as there is a tendency for the top hip to move back.
- Put your abdominals by pulling your belly button in, as this will help support your backbone and pelvis.
- Keep your feet touching and move your upper knee as high without moving your hips or pelvis. Don’t lift your lower leg off the floor.
- Pause, and then return your upper leg to the starting position on the ground.
- Do 8 to 10 reps from each side of your leg.
Chest Crossover

It provides great assistance to your chest muscles as it supports proper position to your back and holds your shoulders while doing chest workouts.
- Hold the band with your hands. Bring the band behind your neck.
- Stand up straight and spread your arms at shoulder height.
- Cross both arms in front of your chest against the resistance of the band. Bring the opposite hand to the other shoulder.
- Keep your arms at shoulder height the entire time.
- If you can do more than 8 to 10 reps, change to a heavier band.
Shoulders Overhead Press

It targets your shoulders and your abs. Improves your muscles, makes your back straight, and gives proper shape to your shoulders.
- Step with one foot on the band. Both of your hands move to the upper part of the band. Bring your elbows in front of the band and push the band behind them.
- Come into a split stance. The front leg is slightly bent. Activate your core.
- Open your arms over your head until the band is wide opened.
- Bring the arms to their initial position and repeat 8 to 10 times.
- Apply the elbows to keep the band in its place.
- If you can do more than 8 to 10 reps, change to a heavier band.
Biceps Side Pull

It is great for your biceps that provide a deeper, punishing workout and increase your Biceps’ size and strength.
- Put the band around the right foot and press the foot into the ground. The left foot steps on the band on the other side. Grasp the end of the band with your left hand.
- Stand up and come into a slight forward bend while keeping the back straight and the core engaged.
- Keep the left arm close to your body and curl your forearm into your chest. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10 – 15 times.
- Make sure to keep your back aligned and try not to move anything but your forearm.
- If you can do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.
Triceps Side Press

Every muscle is important when it comes to workout. These resistance bands help you out in building and toning every muscle in your body.
- Grip the ends of the band equally.
- Stand up straight, and knees are slightly bent. Activate your core. Bring your arms to shoulder height.
- Keep your elbows near to your body and bend both one arm into the chest. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10 – 15 times. Change arms.
- Don’t let your elbows move apart from your body and keep the core engaged.
- If you can do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.
Pros and cons of building muscles with resistance bands
Here are some pros and cons about using the resistance band for building muscles:
- Great for newbies: They are easy to use whether you’re a newbie or a regular doer. It is easy to implement and effective for building muscles,especially for a novice.
- Portable: They are extremely portable and hardly take less space at all. You can do a full-body workout and various exercises from these bands wherever you are.
- Relaxed on the joints: The main advantage of these bands that they are safe to use. It helps you out if you’ve joint issues or you recently recovered from your injury.
- No way to cheat: Most people do cheating while weightlifting because sometimes you can’t be able to do all reps, but resistance bands provide you full support and improve your muscles to grow.
Cons of building muscles
- Bands can break: Resistance bands are not made of iron. They have some capacity to be stretched if you overextend them, it will break off easily.
- Unable to measure gains: It will be difficult to quantify and measure your gains. It can create unsatisfactory results for those who measure their muscle and are conscious about their gains.
- Difficult to build bigger mass: These bands will tone-up the muscles all over your body, but if you are looking for bigger muscles, you should opt for weightlifting.
How long should it take to see results from resistance bands?
Every individual has a different body type that takes time to burn, lose fats, or gain heavy muscles. It’s up to you how frequently you do your exercises. Think of those factors discussed above, and you’ll see a change in your body. There are some reasons on which results depend on:
- How many times you train.
- Your diet
- Your muscle recovery
- Your genetics
- How long you give rest to your muscles
The results may vary related to these ins and outs. If you are consistent with your diet plan, workouts, and how much time you invest in your workouts, you will see the changes you are expecting.
Closing thoughts!

Your safety is first! Whether you use heavy machines or resistance bands. Using resistance bands at the starting point is best and can provide you with multiple ways to train. These bands can break down due to frequent usage, that is why you should opt for a great quality band.
You can find great quality bands right here, buy the daily routine resistance bands from DMoose and you will not regret it! Incorporate these bands into your exercise plan. If you’ve any further queries, do check with your doctor. You can also contact us for more information and get to know more about this product.