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How to Reduce Calorie Intake? 7 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Lose Weight

If you are trying to lose weight, reducing the calories you consume is important. These lifestyle changes can help you focus on calorie intake and reduce weight.

Nicole Taylor
How to Reduce Calorie Intake? 7 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Lose Weight
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Do you frequently get feelings of regret after you've finished a meal? Do you feel as though you consume an excessive amount of calories daily, even though you exercise frequently?

Cutting back on your daily calories is an essential component of any plan to lose weight. But how exactly can you calculate how many calories your body needs daily? And what are some strategies for lowering your calorie consumption that won't leave you feeling hungry all the time?

You are the focus of today's blog post! In this piece, I will offer advice on lowering your calorie consumption without making significant adjustments to your diet or your way of living. Continue reading if you want to find out more!

What are Calories?

Your daily and long-term weight loss strategies might be better understood after you have a firm grasp of the calorie content of your food. Calories are used as a unit of measurement for both the energy a person takes in from food and drink and the energy they use up in physical activity.

Calorie counts can vary widely, from very high to very low, depending on the type of food or drink (this information is usually available on the packaging). The calorie content is commonly expressed in kilocalories (kcals). The metric system uses kilojoules (abbreviated KJ) as the unit of energy comparable to calories (kcals) (200 kcals equals 836.8kj).

Being calorie conscious is the first step toward reducing the calories you eat.

Calorie Calculator and Weight Loss

You need to understand how many calories you need to maintain your body weight to be calorie conscious and make wise decisions to eat healthily.

The formula below will help you determine the calories you need to consume and burn daily to lose weight. This calculation takes all of this information into account.

It will determine the number of calories you need to consume each day for your body to keep you at the same weight, considering your age, height, and weight.

Typically, to maintain healthy body weight.

  • An average woman requires around 2,000kcal (8,400kJ) a day.
  • An average man needs around 2,500kcal (10,500kJ) a day.

If you want to lose weight over time, setting a goal of creating a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day can help you shed roughly 0.45 kilograms of body weight every week. That amounts to about 2 kg monthly and 12 kg over six months.

It is widely agreed that the most effective strategy for long-term weight reduction involves losing weight slowly, steadily, and following a predetermined plan. Some have considered rapid weight loss harmful to a person's health.

In addition, the body reacts to these brief periods of semi-starvation by slowing down its metabolic rate, which might be damaging to the individual who is dieting.

7 Lifestyle Changes Can Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight can seem like an uphill battle, but there are things you can do to give yourself a leg up on the competition. Making lifestyle changes is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and keep it off for good. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you slim down:

1. Reduce Condiments

Even the smallest changes may make a difference in getting rid of excess weight. And reducing your use of condiments is one simple step you may take to cut down on the calories you consume every day. Most condiments have a significant amount of sugar and fat, which may rapidly build up if you pile on a lot at each meal.

Ketchup has around 4 grams of sugar packed into only one tablespoon's worth of the condiment. Additionally, roughly 10 grams of fat are in only one tablespoon of mayonnaise.

If you are attempting to lose weight, it is in your best interest to reduce the number of condiments you consume. Maintain a low consumption rate or completely abstain from them. You won't believe how big of a difference it can make, that's for sure.

2. Eat More Vegetables

Consuming a diet high in veggies is well known to benefit one's health. In addition to being low in calories, they are loaded with various vitamins and minerals. Because vegetables are low in calories and fat but rich in fiber, eating them may help you feel full and satisfied after a meal because they combine these qualities.

They are also low in sugar, meaning eating them won't cause you to experience a sugar rush. Therefore, to lose weight, you should ensure that your diet contains many vegetables.

3. Eliminate Distractions

It's no secret that losing weight can be a bit of a challenge. But did you know that distractions are one of the biggest obstacles to weight loss success?

That's right, distractions can come in many forms, from the tempting aroma of your favorite fast food joint to a stressful work deadline. And each one of these distractions can derail your weight loss efforts. So how can you overcome these distractions and finally reach your goal weight?

The first step is identifying the type of distraction most likely to trip you up. Once you know your triggers, you can develop a plan to avoid or cope with them. For instance, if you find yourself snacking more when you're bored, try keeping a healthy snack readily available or distracting yourself with a fun activity. If work stress is causing you to overeat, take a few minutes each day to relax and de-stress.

By eliminating distractions, you'll finally be able to focus on losing weight and feeling great!

4. Supplements

When it comes to shedding unwanted pounds, there is no lack of weight reduction pills that can be purchased nowadays. But with so many options available, how can you be sure to purchase the product most suited to your needs?

In general, two types of supplements may be distinguished from one another: those that aid in speeding up the metabolism and those that help to reduce hunger.

Dietary supplements that aim to speed up metabolism often include caffeine or other stimulants, while appetite suppressants frequently include botanical substances such as green tea or hoodia extracts.

Although no "magic pill" exists for weight reduction, supplements combined with a good diet and regular exercise may be an effective means of accomplishing the goal. Before taking any new supplement, particularly if you already have a medical problem or are already on medication, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician.

5. Hydrate

Many individuals believe that eating fewer calories is the only way to lose weight successfully. Having said that, this is not the end of the tale. In point of fact, if you want to lose weight, one of the essential things you can do for yourself is to ensure you get enough water every day.

When you drink enough water, your body will burn more calories since it will function at its maximum potential. In addition, drinking water helps you feel fuller for longer, which makes you less prone to overindulge in food.

To get rid of some extra weight, you should drink lots of water throughout the day. And if water isn't your thing, try flavoring it with some mint leaves or citrus fruit to give it a little kick if that's more your style.

6. Cook At Home

Cooking at home is often cited as one of the best ways to lose weight. And it makes sense - when you cook for yourself, you have complete control over the ingredients and portion sizes. Plus, home-cooked meals are healthier than restaurant meals since they're usually lower in calories, fat, and sodium.

Cooking more meals at home is a great place to start if you want to slim down. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Plan by batch cooking or preparing meals in advance. This will save you time and effort while you're trying to eat healthily during the week.
  • Make healthy swaps in your recipes. Use leaner meats, low-fat dairy products, and vegetables instead of high-calorie ingredients.
  • Be careful with portion sizes. When cooking at home, it's easy to overestimate how much food we need. Be mindful of your portions and only make as much food as you'll actually eat.

7. Increase Protein Intake

People who want to lose weight are typically advised to consume a protein-rich diet. Because it takes more energy to digest protein than carbs or fat, increasing the amount of protein you consume may cause you to burn more calories.

Additionally, protein makes you feel fuller for longer and might assist in suppressing your appetite. This implies that you may be less prone to graze on unhealthy foods between meals or consume excessive food during meals.

While you may acquire protein from foods from animals, such as meat and eggs, there are also a lot of foods that come from plants that contain this vitamin. Incorporating high-protein foods like beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds into your diet is not difficult because of their accessibility.

If you want to boost the amount of protein you consume each day, you should consider increasing the amount of these items you eat during meals and snacks.


1. Is it healthy to eat 1200 calories a day?

The recommended daily calorie intake for healthy eating is 1,200. You should be aware that eating 1,200 calories a day or fewer will leave you feeling rather hungry at night. We do not advise consuming just 1200 calories per day if you exercise often. However, this can be a suitable serving size if you are little or not extremely active.

2. How do you split calories between meals?

Following is the best way to split your daily meals according to their calories:

  • 200-400 calories for breakfast
  • 500-700 calories for lunch
  • 500-700 calories for dinner.

Since everyone's calorie needs are different, it's up to you to decide how you'd want to spend your daily allowance. Eat less at breakfast if you want a hearty midday meal. Alternately, divide the total calories you consume daily across breakfast, lunch, and supper, so each meal is around the same amount.

3. Can I eat all my calories in one meal?

You may consume all of your calories in one meal, but be sure to include a variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates.

However, you probably won't feel great if you use this method to justify your everyday consumption of fast food or other high-fat items. It will be challenging to maintain this routine and much more challenging to get in daily exercise.

4. How to keep track of your calories

There are a few different ways to track your calorie intake. One popular way to track calories is using a food diary or journal.

This can be either a physical book you carry with you or an app on your phone or computer. Every time you eat something, you simply record it in your diary and the number of calories it contains. This can be a bit time-consuming, but it's also very effective.


Losing weight may be difficult for several reasons, one of which is that eating more calories than your body requires to function properly is quite simple.

These suggestions will assist you in reducing the number of calories you consume, causing the needle on your scale to move, and making significant headway toward achieving your weight loss objectives.

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Article Sources

  • New, S. A., Robins, S. P., Campbell, M. K., Martin, J. C., Garton, M. J., Bolton-Smith, C., Grubb, D. A., Lee, S. J., & Reid, D. M. (2000). Dietary influences on bone mass and bone metabolism: Further evidence of a positive link between fruit and vegetable consumption and bone health? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 71(1), 142–151.
  • Borys, J. M., de Ruyter, J. C., Finch, H., Harper, P., Levy, E., Mayer, J., Richard, P., Ruault du Plessis, H., Seidell, J. C., & Vinck, J. (2014). Hydration and obesity prevention. Obesity facts, 7 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), 37–48.
  • Leidy, H. J., Clifton, P. M., Astrup, A., Wycherley, T. P., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., Luscombe-Marsh, N. D., Woods, S. C., & Mattes, R. D. (2015). The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), 1320S-1329S.

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Nicole Taylor

Nicole is a professional freelance writer specialized in sports nutrition and home based exercises. She publishes a website dedicated to home exercise and has contributed articles to magazines as well.

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