Are you an aspiring weightlifter looking to take your game to the next level? Are regular lifts not entirely cutting it anymore, and are you eager to explore a new way of getting stronger and faster? Look no further than hang lifts!
Weightlifting can be a great way to build strength and general fitness, but for many people, the technical aspects of the sport can seem intimidating. Hang athletes and bodybuilders have used lifts for years to develop explosive strength and power.
In this blog post, we'll dive deep into figuring out what makes hang lifts special and explain how to execute them properly for the best gains.
We will be breaking down precisely what hang lifts are, their benefits, and how they can be used in your strength training routine to give you an edge over the competition. So hang tight - it's time to get intense with hang lifts.
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What Is the Hang Position in Weightlifting?
The hang position is a popular weightlifting exercise where the powerlifting barbell is suspended before upward movement. Hang means the position where you suspend the barbell before starting the upward movement. This starting position can be differentiated into three distinct categories based on the athlete's training goals and the purpose of the movement.
3 Categories of Hang Lifts
Depending on the purpose of the exercise or drill, athletes and coaches may choose any one position for the hang. Here are three positions for the hang with their unique benefits.
High Hang Position

Weightlifters use the high hang position to develop and improve their speed under the barbell, usually with light weights. This exercise requires the athlete to quickly drop the barbell down to a mid or high-thigh position, swap from slowly lowering it to driving it upwards in seconds, and then dive underneath and catch it.
Due to the limited time, they must impart upward momentum onto the bar. This exercise can be forceful and abrupt, which helps strengthen muscles used in lifting and improve overall timing. You can maximize the results by adding Whey Isolate Supplements regularly with the exercise.
With regular practice, this technique can help weightlifters become more efficient with their motion and become more powerful lifters.
Hang Position

The hang position is a barbell height just a little over or below the kneecaps and is commonly viewed as the default hang height for weightlifting workouts.
This height provides weightlifters an excellent opportunity to improve their posture, as they must maintain a steady yet rigid posterior chain while descending from a standing position.
Low Hang

A weightlifter who utilizes the low hang position to perform lifts essentially allows their barbell to descend below their knees without touching the ground.
Low-hang weightlifting is an exercise that demands a great deal from the body, as it requires athletes to move their barbells through a more extensive range of motion than with other types of lifts.
Primarily used to reinforce proper form and posture when performing snatches or cleans, low hanging can also be beneficial in helping individuals identify any areas where they are lacking in strength or power output. It is beneficial to add Testosterone Booster Supplements for added energy and help train harder.
Holding the load aloft gives them increased tactile feedback, allowing them to understand better which muscle groups need more focus and attention. They can be used in an extensive training program to build muscular endurance and strength.
Doing so can benefit them when they may be overly reliant on their back muscles when lifting. A sequence of these low-hang lifts is referred to as "floating," The goal is to keep the barbell suspended in mid-air while barely touching the ground below.
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Benefits of Hang Lifts
Weightlifters often include hang work into their regular training routine, particularly when not preparing for an upcoming competition. Hang work is a critical component of any weightlifting regimen, and its frequent practice benefits the lifter in multiple ways.
Excellent Teaching Tool
Weightlifting movements can be intricate and challenging, so performing them from a hang can be an invaluable tool for beginners. Hang training allows learners to break down the lift into smaller pieces instead of simultaneously tackling it.
It provides an easier understanding of the various phases, such as the eccentric lowering phase, which can be intimidating when starting. Additionally, the hang position simplifies the complex nature of Olympic lifts like snatches and cleans; this helps learners more easily comprehend how to perform each lift from start to finish correctly.
Executing weightlifting motions from a hang also gives instructors more opportunities for progression since learners can gradually add complexity as they get comfortable with each puzzle piece.
Helps Address Weak Points
Weightlifters use hang exercises to address any weak points in their pull. These exercises allow lifters to focus on improving an area of the lift that needs extra attention, such as dropping under the barbell quickly after leg extension.
Hang exercises also help to eliminate any technical errors that occur during the lift from the floor, which would otherwise affect performance negatively. By working from a higher position, these problems can be avoided, and lifters can still reap the benefits of a successful pull.
Additionally, by removing the technical errors from lifting off the floor, lifters can ensure they perform at their best to achieve optimal performance.
Strengthens Back
Olympic weightlifters are renowned for having some of the most potent backs due to the amount of time they devote to hang lifts. These exercises primarily engage the posterior chain by loading the backside isometrically during the lowering phase when you hinge at the hips.
This allows for eccentric tension on your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, necessary for muscle growth and strength gains. Consequently, working from a hang position provides a unique physiological stimulus that regular floor-based lifting offers to a different extent.
Helps Work Around an Injury
Weightlifting injuries can be somewhat discouraging. However, with proper clearance from a medical professional, you can still stay active and work around the injury by utilizing hang variations.
For instance, if your lower back or knee is affected when snatching or cleaning from the floor, you can opt for a high-hang power snatch or clean as an alternate exercise that avoids stressing the affected range of motion.
While this method will not cure any current injuries, it allows weightlifters to remain fit while they address the issue accordingly. In such cases, adding Post Workout Supplements to your diet can be essential to help recovery.
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When to Use Hang Lifts in Weightlifting
In weightlifting, it's essential to recognize the most effective time to add hang lifts as a variation of the two primary lifts. Rather than making arbitrary decisions about integrating complex lifts into your routine, careful consideration should be taken to ensure that it is strategically implemented at the correct times and with the right exercises.
As a Beginner
As a beginner, it is beneficial to focus on hang lifts because they simplify the complex movements needed for snatching and cleaning. A great way to learn these skills is to start with a "three-position" complex that involves lifting from three heights: high hang, hang at knee level, and below the knee.
Each height will allow one to practice a different portion of the lift, allowing for more efficient and accurate learning. Starting with this type of training can give beginners a better understanding of how weightlifting works and build the necessary body strength and technique.
Weightlifting Complexes
Weightlifting complexes are designed to promote correct technique and form by combining multiple movements into one series of exercises. For example, a lifter may start by performing a snatch from the floor, followed immediately by a hang snatch at knee level.
This is advantageous as it reinforces the second pull from the knee to full extension without needing rest between movements. Doing this allows the lifter to develop muscle memory and good habits to perform each lift confidently and accurately.
Additionally, complexes help to increase muscular endurance and improve overall coordination since they require the lifter to transition quickly between different exercises.
To Save Your Legs
High-performance Olympic lifters often utilize a hang lift technique in the weeks leading up to a competition to protect their maximal strength, primarily in their legs.
The hang lift allows the weightlifter to go heavy without using as much dynamic effort from their quads as lifting entirely from the floor. This technique benefits athletes who feel exhausted from rigorous training or need to maintain as much explosive power as possible.
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Hang lifts in weightlifting are the position where the barbell is suspended and the motion it carries for the workout. There are three categories of hangs: high-hang, mid-hang, and low-hang. Athletes can choose any category of these hang lifts varying in position and size, each with its benefits.
Hang lifts have many benefits, like helping address weak points, strengthening back, excellent teaching tools, and helping work around an injury. It discusses certain times as a beginner in weightlifting complexes, and while saving legs, you need to use hang lifts in weightlifting.
These have different functions and processes to help athletes win the game in strength, power, muscle, and workout sessions. Get on now!
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Article Sources
- Werner, Inge, et al. 'How Do Movement Patterns in Weightlifting (Clean) Change When Using Lighter or Heavier Barbell Loads?-A Comparison of Two Principal Component Analysis-Based Approaches to Studying Technique'. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 11, Jan. 2021, p. 606070. PubMed Central,