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Secrets to a Bigger Butt: Is Stair Climber More Effective Than Incline Treadmill Walking in Building Your Glutes?

Butt question? You’ve come to the right place. We are experts on butts and we have information about building your booty with treadmill walking and stair climbing. 

Nicole Taylor
Secrets to a Bigger Butt: Is Stair Climber More Effective Than Incline Treadmill Walking in Building Your Glutes?
Table Of Contents

Do you want a bigger butt? Of course, you do! Everyone does. But how are you going to get it? You’ve probably heard about the stair climber and incline treadmill as two of the top machines for bum gains, but which is better at providing a shapely tush?

That's exactly what we're diving into today—because when it comes to changing your backside (or any part of your body), knowledge is power.

Which one is more effective at growing your glute muscles and giving you better shapely curves? We'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each machine so you can figure out what will work best for you!

So grab some comfortable workout gear and cozy up with an ice-cold protein shake—it's time to dig deep into this stair climber versus incline treadmill battle. Keep reading and discover the secret to conquering that hill quickly: stair climber or incline treadmill…you decide!

Stair Climber Benefits

Let us look into some of the benefits of stair climbers

Builds Lower-Body Strength

Strength is essential to utilizing a stair climber for an efficient and effective workout. This machine is ideal for those looking to improve their cardiovascular endurance and increase muscular development in the glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

It is more advantageous than walking or aerobic exercises when building muscle mass. To effectively target particular muscles, users must adjust how their feet land on the stair climber's stairs. For example, applying pressure with the heel will work out the hamstrings, while pushing off with only the ball of the foot activates your quadriceps.

Alternatively, skipping every other stair concentrates on strengthening your glutes and leg muscles. One can take various approaches while using a stair climber to maximize the benefits they receive from their workouts.

Improves Mobility

When you use a stair climber as part of your workout, you work your muscles differently than when walking on flat ground or an incline. You need to lift your knees to hip height and engage your hip flexors and glutes, taking your body through a broader range of motion than simply walking on a flat surface.

This is particularly beneficial for those who want to improve the mobility of their joints due to the more expansive range of motion required. The stair climber can help keep those joints from becoming stiff and maintain the flexibility that allows for smoother overall movement in everyday life.

Trains Functional Movement

Using a stair climber in your fitness routine can be a fantastic way to strengthen the muscles necessary for optimally negotiating stairs. Additionally, having robust leg and core strength can make it easier to take on steps of all sizes as you age, helping you maintain this fundamental capability.

If you can only climb a few flights of stairs if you become breathless, consider taking more regular trips to the stair climber machine at your local gym and adding Pre-Workout Supplements for extensive strength.

This exercise is ideal for boosting your stamina while simultaneously providing numerous health benefits, such as increased heart health, improved flexibility, and enhanced coordination.

Additionally, by incorporating a stair climber into your physical activity regimen, you will develop greater strength in your legs and your core and arm muscles – which is highly beneficial for daily life.

Incline Treadmill Walking Benefits

Rather than the treadmill, which is notorious for becoming dull and tedious over time, opting for an incline to get your workout in can be a refreshing change of pace. Incline walking offers a range of advantages that are not available when using a stair climber, as it works for different muscle groups.

As many treadmills come equipped with interval training programs, incorporating an incline can add a layer of challenge while helping mix up your workout routine. Here are the benefits of incline treadmill walking to add to your routine.

Increased Core Strength

Incline walking works the lower body and engages the core muscles. To get the best out of this exercise, you should lean forward at a five-degree angle which will help improve posture and provide more control while maintaining proper form.

However, it is vital to resist the urge to hold onto the treadmill's handrails; doing so will lead to poor muscle memory and prevent your body from getting used to pushing itself further.

Hunching over with rounded shoulders should be avoided as this will reduce the benefits of incline walking. It is essential that exercisers remain focused on their form for a practical workout session and to ensure that their body is adequately trained and does not take the path of least resistance. To keep that from happening, add Multi-Vitamin Supplements and stay extra focused.

Offers a Low-Impact Workout

Inclining walking is an ideal exercise for people searching for a low-impact workout that won't cause too much strain on their joints. This is because only one foot is in contact with the ground at any given moment, and your hips, knees, and ankles absorb the shock from each step. This also means less force and pressure are transferred through the body.

Furthermore, walking on a steeper incline further reduces the impact, relieving your joints. You can add Creatine Powder Supplements to your diet to combat your joints' fatigue and stay relieved. Walking on an incline is arguably more comfortable than a stair climber machine as it can be tailored to suit individual needs more efficiently.

Improves Cardio Capacity

By walking on an incline, you can quickly experience a noticeable increase in your heart rate. This is an excellent way to improve your endurance and strengthen your cardio foundation.

Additionally, hill repeat intervals are a great way to challenge your body further and develop your conditioning. To perform these intervals, try alternating 30-second bursts of power walking with 30-second rests at a 10 percent incline.

When done correctly, this exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system's efficiency and tones muscles in the lower body. In addition to its physical benefits, this form of exercise can also be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety.

How to Choose Between the Stair Climber Vs. Incline Walking

If you find yourself in the age-old dilemma of determining which cardiovascular exercise to dedicate your workouts to—the stair climber or incline walking—it can be a little bit daunting. However, with just a few savvy tips, you can quickly determine how to choose between them and ensure you’re using the option that will most benefit your body.

Incline Walking for Beginners

Incline walking is often viewed as an approachable cardio exercise for those relatively new to physical activity. With a treadmill, it can be much easier to get on and off than with a stair climber, which may make it less intimidating for someone just starting.

If you're hoping to build up your stamina, endurance, and speed using a stair climber, start small by beginning with shorter-duration workouts at a lower speed. Gradually work your way up to longer sessions with faster paces to maximize the benefits of your aerobic activity.

As you gain more confidence and experience, you can explore different types of cardio, like sprint intervals or HIIT-style workouts that challenge you further.

Stair Climber for Beginners

If you're trying to build and strengthen the muscles in your glutes, a stair climber may be a more suitable option than incline walking. Incline walking usually requires long periods and higher speeds, resulting in more immediate cardio caloric burn.

Also, take Antioxidant Plus Supplements to your routine for quicker caloric burn. The stair climber would be the preferred choice to achieve the best results for increasing your gluteal mass.

Incline Walking for Improving Balance

If you're a bit clumsy or have muscular imbalances, opting for incline walking is often safer than using the stair climber.

If you need help with balance or coordination, practicing these skills before using the stair climber is recommended due to the elevated risk associated with missed steps or not getting your foot entirely on top of the step.

For those who are unsteady or have weak core and leg muscles, a gentler exercise such as incline walking may be better suited as it can help to build strength while also providing an effective workout.

Incline Walking for Outdoor Training

Suppose you're looking to go on a hike in the future; consider doing some incline walking to strengthen and condition your body for the journey. Incline walking helps to build your stability muscles in the lower parts of your body, like your ankles, allowing you to traverse tougher terrain without risking injury.

This exercise helps you better navigate tricky or unexpected paths, duck under low-hanging branches, and stay balanced on uneven ground. This is vital for a successful outdoor hiking experience because you need strength and agility to move through trails without getting hurt.

Stair Climber for Shin Splints

If you're experiencing the discomfort of shin splints, then stay away from the treadmill and opt for a different form of exercise. To help reduce the tension on your tibialis, using a stair climber machine could be an effective, low-impact option.

This type of fitness equipment targets the same muscles as walking uphill while eliminating the stress that can be put on shin muscles during dorsiflexion. Using a stair climber machine instead of walking or running will reduce the strain on your shins and lessen the pain associated with this condition.

Stair Climber Vs. Incline Treadmill Walking?—Which is Better

The decision to use a stair climber or an incline treadmill for cardiovascular exercise should be based on what you wish to achieve from the physical activity. A stair climber is likely the better choice if you aim to develop stronger lower body muscles and larger gluteal muscles. Using this machine, you can look forward to increased muscle endurance and enhanced overall leg strength.


Distinguishing which exercise is better for a bigger butt can be daunting, but here is a simple comparison between stair climber exercise and incline treadmill to help you choose the effective one for a bigger back side.

Stair climber exercise builds lower body strength, increases mobility, and trains functional movement, while an incline treadmill workout increases core strength, improves cardio capacity, and offers a low-impact workout.

Both physical activities have different aspects for beginners depending on their goals which may be related to balance, outdoor training, improving balance, or shin splints. However, out of the two exercises, stair climbing is the better choice for developing a stronger lower body and larger gluteal muscles, which means bigger butts, finally!

Reading List

Article Sources

  • Loy, S. F., et al. ‘Effects of Stair-Climbing vs Run Training on Treadmill and Track Running Performance’. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 25, no. 11, Nov. 1993, pp. 1275–78.

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Nicole Taylor

Nicole is a professional freelance writer specialized in sports nutrition and home based exercises. She publishes a website dedicated to home exercise and has contributed articles to magazines as well.

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