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Can You Do Bodyweight Exercises Daily?

Body weight exercises are a great way to increase strength and fitness, but you must watch out for some proper ways to incorporate them into your everyday routine.

Zak Mellor
Can You Do Bodyweight Exercises Daily?
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Are you looking for a way to become more physically active without needing equipment, exceptional facilities, or even much time? If so, doing bodyweight exercises daily may be the perfect fit. As its name suggests, this exercise style involves using your body weight as resistance—something everyone can do regardless of access to gyms or gear.

It can be tough to make time for physical exercise, especially when gym memberships are expensive and access to sports equipment is limited. But bodyweight exercises provide the perfect way to stay in shape without those limitations—all you need is your body! This exercise requires no special facilities or resources, just a bit of daily practice.

Bodyweight exercises use your body's resistance, so it's an excellent choice for all experience levels. The best part? You can do bodyweight exercises anywhere – even at home on your living room floor! So if you're looking for an accessible way to get more active in your everyday life, bodyweight training may be your perfect solution. But is it possible to do bodyweight exercises daily?

This article explores the benefits and potential drawbacks of making these crucial moves part of your daily routine.

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to add exercise to your daily routine. These exercises rely solely on the body for resistance, so you don't need any special equipment to get great results.

These exercises use the resistance of gravity to challenge the muscles when performing movements such as squats, push-ups,lunges, planks, burpees, etc. Using just your body weight means that you have an unlimited amount of equipment with which to perform exercises at home or outdoors. This is great if time or money is limited, but you still want to stay active and fit.

Think of bodyweight exercises like planks and burpees, which use movements such as pushing, pulling, and bodyweight squats to challenge muscles and help build strength. They don't require much time or space, so they're perfect for adding into smaller chunks throughout the day.

Doing bodyweight exercises daily can have fantastic health benefits, including increased energy levels and improved muscle tone, mobility, flexibility, and overall strength.

Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight training has more than just one benefit. Here are just a few of the things you might get in return:

Improves Health

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to improve your health and well-being in various ways. Not only will you build muscle strength, but you'll also tone and define your body shape. You can gain better balance, coordination, and posture by performing functional movements. You'll also enhance your cardiovascular endurance, helping you work more efficiently and become more resilient.

Regularly incorporating bodyweight exercise into your routine has been found to reduce the risk of illnesses associated with sedentary behavior, such as obesity and heart disease. It can even reduce the risk of depression by releasing endorphins that make us feel good. So not only is it great for our physical health, but it is also beneficial for our mental well-being.

Improves Fitness

Studies have demonstrated that bodyweight training alone can be incredibly effective in improving physical fitness capabilities. This is due to the many varied exercises that are possible without any additional equipment, making it an accessible and inexpensive option for those looking to get into shape.

Additionally, bodyweight training exercises engage multiple muscle groups at once, which helps to build strength, coordination, and balance over time.

Furthermore, doing bodyweight exercises daily can offer the additional benefit of being able to be done anywhere, from your own home or outdoors—allowing you to break up your routine and add some variety to your routine workout.

This makes exercise potentially more enjoyable and improves adherence by making it easier for individuals to stay consistent over extended periods—thus making them more likely to reach their goals faster.

Burn More Calories

When you exercise and use more oxygen than usual, your body requires more energy to process the increased workload. With intense bodyweight exercise, your muscles also deplete their glycogen stores much faster. The body replenishes these stores post-exercise by using calories from fat and carbohydrate sources. This is why you can continue burning more calories even after your workout.

The number of calories burned after training depends on several factors, including the workout's intensity, the session's duration, and the individual's metabolic state. High-intensity workouts tend to have a higher EPOC response - meaning that they lead to greater Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption resulting in even more calorie burning long after you finish training.

To get the most out of post-workout calorie burning, focusing on high-intensity bodyweight exercises with short rest periods is essential. Compound movements such as burpees, squats, and lunges are the best bodyweight exercises for this as they target multiple muscle groups simultaneously and keep your heart rate up for more extended periods, leading to greater calorie burning afterward, too.

Caters to All Levels

Bodyweight exercises provide an incredible range of options for people of all levels. For those just starting, you can begin with easier exercises like modified push-ups from the knees. As you become more comfortable and confident in your abilities, you can move on to more advanced versions, such as elevated push-ups, or eventually, progress to the classic full-body push-up from the toes.

For those looking for a challenge, there are plenty of ways to make bodyweight workouts even more challenging with modifications like incline and decline push-ups, adding weight via weighted vests or ankle weights, increasing repetitions, or adding plyometrics into the mix. As well as making bodyweight exercises harder, you can make them easier by slowing down your movements or using resistance bands to assist.

Interval training is another excellent way to increase the difficulty of your bodyweight routine; by alternating between high-intensity intervals and active rest periods (such as jogging on the spot), you'll be able to take your workout up a notch. Of course, it's essential to stay mindful of good form when engaging in any type of exercise—poor form can lead to injury, so always focus on proper form.

Role of Recovery Period in Training

Because bodyweight exercise can be an equally challenging alternative to weight training, proper muscle recovery is essential for your health and fitness goals.

According to exercise scientist Len Kravitz, allowing ample time between workouts helps the body remove metabolic byproducts and restore muscle pH levels. Without sufficient recovery time, you may suffer from soreness, fatigue, and other adverse effects such as sleep disruptions, intestinal issues, and an increased risk of infection.

Muscle recovery is integral to any workout routine, whether with weights or bodyweight exercises. Through restorative relaxation, blood and oxygen flow are increased to the muscles, helping to reduce lactic acid build-up. Additionally, when resting between workouts, your body can rebuild damaged tissue and store energy for your next session.

To ensure proper muscle recovery after each workout session, it's crucial to prioritize good nutrition and adequate hydration. Eating foods rich in protein can help replenish depleted muscle stores while drinking enough water removes waste products like lactic acid. Another critical component is sleep; getting adequate rest (at least 7-8 hours) allows the muscles enough time to repair themselves properly and prepare for the next day's workout.

Recommended Recovery Period

Regarding resistance training, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that healthy adults take at least 48 hours between resistance training sessions to ensure adequate recovery and rest.

However, exercise scientists such as Wayne Westcott point out that for those engaging in intense exercises, the recommended time for total repair and rebuilding of muscle tissue is increased to 72-96 hours. This is because if a person exercises too soon after intense physical activity, they may be putting their body at risk of injury or damage due to inadequate rest and repair.

Furthermore, muscles can become overworked and weakened without sufficient recovery time between resistance training sessions due to a lack of restorative processes such as glycogen replenishment and protein synthesis. Overworked muscles can become stiff and sore from microscopic muscle tears that have not had enough time to heal properly.

Ultimately, this might lead to fatigue or an inability for the muscles to move efficiently during any subsequent activities. Therefore, it's essential to give your body a chance to recover after strenuous exercise for your body systems, including your musculoskeletal system, to perform optimally.

In addition, taking a break between bouts of resistance training allows the body's nervous system time to reset itself from any mental fatigue caused by intense physical activities. It also gives athletes a much-needed psychological break necessary for improved motivation levels when returning into training mode.

Finally, allowing yourself sufficient recovery time between workouts will reduce feelings of burnout while enabling you to achieve longer-term goals within fitness programs by avoiding overtraining injuries, which could otherwise inhibit progress towards desired fitness objectives.

Can You Do Bodyweight Exercises Daily

As we have mentioned the importance of recovery and the specific time required for recovery, bodyweight exercises can be performed daily as long as you're careful and follow some guidelines to ensure you don't overtrain.

Warm Up

Remember that you still need to warm up, even if you're not using extra weights. You'll get more out of your workout, and your body will thank you if you take just a few minutes out of your day to get ready.

Do Not Forget Your Form

It always matters how you look. It's imperative to make these moves correctly with just your body weight before you even think about adding more weight. A study suggests that looking at how well you do the bodyweight squat can help you figure out how good your technique is and how much weight your squat can hold if you do it right.

Train Different Muscle Groups Each Day

You might think that using just your body and the force of gravity doesn't put as much stress on your body as working out in a gym, but anyone who has done bodyweight squats for more than one set can tell you otherwise. I'm sure I can! It's tough on the muscles and very tiring. Working out different muscle groups daily is recommended to give your muscles time to heal.

Change the Volume or Strength

If you do bodyweight exercises daily, changing the intensity and volume is another way to ensure you get enough rest. Don't train every day until you fail. Instead, cut down on the number of reps or sets or do less work on some days. So, you still work out, but you don't overwork the same muscle group.

Mix in Lighter Movements

Bodyweight exercise doesn't always mean HIIT or workouts focusing on strength or cardio. Do some light yoga or pilates to slow things down. Even though some yoga classes are fast and can get your heart rate up, focus on the slower, lighter movements that stretch out your body and give you active recovery time.

It will also help you become more flexible and mobile, which can help you do other exercises like squats.

By taking the proper steps, you can perform bodyweight exercises daily without pushing your body to its limits. It's important to remember that exercise should never be done to exhaustion and that adequate time must be given for rest and recovery between workouts.


1. Are bodyweight exercises effective for building muscle?

Yes, bodyweight exercises can be very effective for building muscle. They provide an intense workout that stimulates the muscles and encourages growth.

2. Are there any risks associated with bodyweight exercises?

Using good form when performing bodyweight exercises is vital to reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, people with existing medical conditions should consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program.

3. What types of bodyweight exercises can I do?

There are many different bodyweight exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine. Some popular exercises include push-ups, squats, lunges, burpees, planks, and mountain climbers.

4. How often should I do bodyweight exercises?

It is recommended to perform high-intensity bodyweight exercises at least three times per week for optimal results. Additionally, it is essential to incorporate rest days or recovery workouts into your routine to give your muscles time to recover and rebuild.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that bodyweight exercises can have many incredible benefits to your overall fitness done daily. With the proper rest periods in between sets of exercises to look after the intensity level each day, you will be able to obtain results by doing bodyweight exercises daily that satisfy you.

So go ahead, and challenge yourself to integrate bodyweight exercise into your daily routine: it won't be easy to get used to, but once you do, it will all be worth it. Not only will you reap countless physical benefits from doing these moves daily, like increased strength and flexibility over time, but they'll also help improve your mental outlook, too, because nothing compares to crushing a challenging workout after a long day! And don't forget - always listen to your body and adjust accordingly if needed.

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Article Sources

  • Kritz, Matthew, et al. “The Bodyweight Squat: A Movement Screen for the Squat Pattern.” Strength & Conditioning Journal, vol. 31, no. 1, Feb. 2009, p. 76.,

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Zak Mellor

I'm Zak Mellor, a fitness trainer dedicated to guiding you on your health and wellness journey. With a strong background in fitness, I share practical tips and in-depth reviews of the latest workout gear and routines.

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