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Diastasis Recti in Men: 7 Best Exercises to Cure It Years Later

Diastasis recti in men is more common than you think. Read on to discover how to self-diagnose and recover from it with the help of these seven best exercises.

Luna Morin
Diastasis Recti in Men: 7 Best Exercises to Cure It Years Later
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Despite hard training and working out day and night, you are unable to develop six-pack abs—the problem could be diastasis recti in men.

How to know if you have diastasis recti? The most common symptom is a visible bulge or lump between the rectus abdominis, or six-pack muscles, causing a hindrance to achieving washboard abs. You can also consult a doctor for medical tests.

However, one thing is for sure! Diastasis recti, aka abdominal coning or doming, is the culprit preventing your stomach from appearing flat. So should you give up? Never!

With the right core-strengthening exercises and tools like the DMoose Ab Roller Wheel, you can start working toward a stronger, more defined core.

What Is Diastasis Recti?

What Is Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is a condition where the left and right sides of the abdominal muscles separate, creating a gap in the midsection.

This happens when the connective tissue (linea alba) weakens and stretches, often due to excessive pressure on the core. In men, it can result from rapid weight fluctuations, improper weightlifting, chronic bloating, or past abdominal surgeries.

The condition not only affects appearance but also weakens core stability, leading to lower back pain, poor posture, and reduced athletic performance.

7 Proven Exercises “From Experts” to Fix Diastasis Recti in Men Years Later

Strengthening the core after diastasis recti requires precision and control rather than high-intensity workouts. Engaging the deep abdominal muscles with low-impact, expert-approved exercises can help close the gap and restore core function.

This guide is specifically for diastasis recti exercises for men, but ladies, don’t worry! Here is a guide for you: 8 Best Diastasis Recti Exercises After Baby

Now, let’s explore the seven best exercises to help fix diastasis recti and regain a stronger, more functional core.

1. Modified Planks

Modified Planks

Planks are considered ideal when dealing with core exercises. However, they can impose excessive pressure on the abdomen, creating risks for people suffering from belly doming.

Modified planks are performable, but only under an expert’s supervision, with proper posture, and using the right equipment to avoid pressure.

To lessen the amount of pressure on your belly muscles, you can go with using DMoose Ab Wheel Roller, which is easy to use, does not impose pressure on your muscles, offers firm grip, and ensures no slipping during the workout sessions.

How to Perform

  • Spread a yoga mat that is soft and non-slip
  • Put your ab wheel roller on it
  • Go into the modified plank position, using your knees and elbows 
  • Release the position before you feel excessive pressure on your belly area.

You can use an Abdominal Splint or Binder to avoid pressure. Also, monitor your symptoms after performing this exercise to avoid complications in the long run.

2. Ab Rollouts Using an Ab Roller

Ab Rollouts

Ab Rollouts are a powerful exercise for building core strength, particularly using an Ab Roller.

This exercise targets the rectus abdominis, obliques, and even the lower back muscles, providing a comprehensive workout.

When performing Ab Rollouts with the Ab Wheel Roller, it's crucial to maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. Avoid arching your back, as this can lead to strain or injury.

How to Perform

  • Prepare your space with a soft, non-slip yoga mat. 
  • Place the DMoose Ab Wheel Roller on the mat for stability. 
  • Kneel on the mat, gripping the roller handles securely. Keep your knees hip-width apart and your back straight.
  • Slowly roll the ab wheel forward, extending your arms and keeping your core engaged. Avoid letting your back arch or sag. 
  • Roll back to the starting position, using your core muscles to control the movement and maintaining a steady breathing rhythm.

Ab Rollouts are effective for enhancing core stability and strength. Always prioritize proper form to avoid undue strain on your muscles and joints.

3. Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

The glute bridge exercise targets and strengthens the gluteal, core, and lower back muscles.

It can benefit individuals with diastasis recti, engaging the core muscles without putting excessive strain on the abdominal wall.

Be extra gentle and more careful when performing this exercise to avoid aggressive or forceful contractions around your belly muscles. 

How to Perform

  • Lie on the yoga mat with your back flat.
  • Wear resistance bands on your knees or get thigh bands for extra support.
  • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart.
  • Place your arms at your sides with palms facing down.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and glutes as you slowly lift your hips off the floor until your body is straight from your shoulders to your knees. 
  • Pause for two seconds before slowly lowering back down to the starting position. 
  • Do three sets of 10 repetitions each.

4. Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are a gentle yet effective exercise for strengthening the deep core muscles and improving lower back stability.

This movement helps engage the transverse abdominis, which plays a key role in supporting the spine and reducing pressure on the abdominal wall. For individuals with diastasis recti, pelvic tilts provide a safe way to activate the core without excessive strain.

How to Perform

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Engage your core by drawing it toward your spine. 
  • Slowly tilt your pelvis upward, pause for two seconds, then lower back down to the starting position. 
  • Do three sets of 10 repetitions.

This exercise will accelerate the healing of diastasis recti in men and women. And what’s the best thing? You need no tool or equipment for this, except a soft yoga mat.

5. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Do not confuse it with the meditating technique known as candle breathing. These terms are different.

However, this is a simple technique where you perform deep and relaxing breathing. By doing so, you will fully activate the transverse abdominis (TVA) to treat the gap, also known as diastasis recti.

Nonetheless, the gap shouldn’t be wider than two centimeters. This means you can treat mild to moderate diastasis recti in men using the TVA breathing technique.

How to Perform

  • Sit or lie on a yoga mat and try to relax your muscles.
  • Place the DMoose Foam Roller horizontally across your abdomen.
  • Inhale through your nose and make sure your belly bulges while you do so instead of your chest.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Exhale all the air out, gently pulling your navel toward your spine.
  • Repeat 10 times.

6. Abdominal Contract Relax

Abdominal Contact Relax

This is a therapeutic technique to not only treat muscles around your abdomen but also relieve any sort of muscle tension in your body.

However, specifically for diastasis recti, it is an effective solution. Include the abdominal contract-relaxation exercise regularly to benefit your fitness and well-being.

How to Perform

  • Lie down and relax.
  • For a perfect natural curve in your lower back, place DMoose Softest Foam Roller under your abdomen.
  • Inhale enough to contract the muscles.
  • Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Release.
  • Relax.
  • Repeat 10 times.

This will help treat pain, improve comfort, and heal diastasis recti. However, make sure not to contract too much and keep track of your health.

7. Lying Marches

Lying Marches

Another diastasis recti-safe exercise is lying marches. Why is that so? It helps activate the muscles around the abdomen, pelvic area, spine, and legs.

So this is going to strengthen the overall core, fighting against muscle wear and tear. 

How to Perform

  • Lie on your back over the abs mat with your arms by your sides.
  • Bend your hips and knees to a 90-degree angle.
  • Engage your abdominals, pulling in your belly button while slowly lowering one leg towards the floor.
  • Maintain the same angle in your knees.
  • Tap your heel to the ground and then use only your core to lift it back to its original position.
  • Switch legs, alternating sides.
  • Perform 10-15 reps per side.

What Are Common Symptoms of Diastasis Recti?

Identifying this problem and seeking a cure to look fit is crucial. Let’s look into the most common symptoms of diastasis recti to know how to address them.

1. Visible Pooch/Bulge

The most common symptom of diastasis recti is a visible pooch or bulge in your abdomen when you strain or contract your abdominal muscles. 

This may be more noticeable when you sit up from lying down, do a crunch, or lift your head while lying on your back. 

2. Lower Back Pain

Some additional symptoms of diastasis recti include lower back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and weakened core muscles. 

You may also experience difficulty holding in your stomach, which can be painful when lifting heavy objects or performing certain activities. 

3. Digestive Issues

Digestive issues and urinary incontinence may also be among the many symptoms of diastasis recti. However, it is essential to note that the presence of a pooch and other symptoms does not necessarily indicate diastasis recti.

It should be assessed by a qualified healthcare provider to rule out other possible causes of abdominal bulging or any other symptoms. It is a common perception that this condition happens only to overweight people. The truth is that diastasis recti in men can occur even if you are not overweight. So it is essential to know and recognize the symptoms.

How to Perform a Medical Test for Diastasis Recti in Men?

While self-diagnosis of diastasis recti is possible, consulting a medical professional is crucial for accurate confirmation. A doctor will typically perform a physical examination to measure the separation between your abdominal muscles.

In some cases, ultrasound imaging or an MRI may be used to assess the condition of your muscles and connective tissues more precisely.

If diagnosed with diastasis recti, discussing a personalized treatment plan with your doctor is essential. Treatment options may include:

  • Lifestyle modifications to avoid activities that strain the abdominal muscles.
  • Physical therapy to strengthen the weakened core muscles.
  • Surgical intervention in severe cases where non-surgical treatments are ineffective.

Ignoring diastasis recti can lead to worsening symptoms and potential complications, so early intervention is key. If you suspect you have the condition, seek medical advice to ensure proper care and recovery.

Can Diastasis Recti in Men Be Cured with Exercise?

Diastasis recti in men can be improved with core-strengthening and postural exercises like planks, bridges, and push-ups when done consistently. Using a supportive abdominal binder may also help reduce muscle separation.

However, not all exercises are beneficial—improper movements can worsen the condition. It's crucial to avoid overexertion and maintain proper form to prevent strain. Adding supportive gym gear, like an abs mat, can enhance comfort and stability during workouts.

Additionally, proper form and technique must be followed to achieve the best results. You can also add the right gym gear to support your abdominal muscles, such as an abs mat, for a more comfortable workout experience. 

Healing takes weeks or months, depending on severity, so consistency is key. If there’s no improvement after a few weeks, consult a medical professional for guidance. A healthy lifestyle, including rest, proper nutrition, and multivitamins, can further speed up recovery.

The Bottom Line

Diastasis recti is a condition that can cause pain and discomfort, but it can be managed through proper exercise and physical therapy.

Implementing exercises such as abdominal contract-relaxation, lying marches, and breathing exercises into your daily routine can help strengthen your abdominal muscles and reduce diastasis recti symptoms.

Discuss any concerns with your doctor before starting or continuing any new exercise program. With proper guidance, you should be able to reach your fitness goals safely!

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Luna Morin

Hi, I'm Luna, a freelance writer with a deep passion for empowering others through insightful health and fitness content. I thrive on exploring the latest fitness trends and translating them into relatable, engaging stories that resonate with my readers. My goal is to inspire and educate, helping everyone lead healthier, more active lives.

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