Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that, in simple language, is a healthy fat for your body. Omega-3's regulate various health processes and are an important component of cell membranes. They also play an important role in the body’s anti-inflammatory processes and are an essential nutrient needed by the human body.
Omega-3 does not merely fulfill the body's basic needs but also ensures smooth body functioning for a long time. Research published in advances in nutrition highlighted the significance of omega-3 and its effect on the body. According to this research, it is evident that omega-3 benefits you for a lifetime.
Despite having many storage points in the body, our mechanism can still not make plenty of omega-3. Due to this reason, it is mandatory to include supplements and food sources of omega-3 in our daily meals. Consuming them at an optimal amount can make up for the deficiency and can regulate various functions.
One of the most important food sources of omega-3 is fish oil. Eating a required and suggested dose of fish oil can work in the best way for your body. They are adequately and richly loaded with omega-3 and have a perfect percentage in them, which can meet your daily RDA of omega-3's.

Omega-3 fish oil supplementation has been shown to have a positive effect on the body. They play a prominent role in many physiological processes and show a noticeable effect on lipid profile. In the following article, you will get a brief insight into the benefits of omega-3 fish oil, which are correct in the light of science.
Benefits Of Omega-3 Fish Oil

Following are some of the key area in which omega-3 fish oil work their magic:
Fights against Heart Diseases
There is enough research done to support that omega-3 has a protective role against heart diseases. According to a recent study published in 2017, it has become clear that omega-3 reduces the risk of cardiovascular events and promotes heart health. They reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body and increase HDL.
It is also advised to have a balanced diet and consume fish oil supplements to benefit the heart. As per American Heart Association journals, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and a specific amount of healthy fats can minimize the risk of heart diseases to the maximum.
Play Role against Cancer
Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce stress on cells and help them to work at a more accurate rate. They also work in cell signaling processes and are a major constituent of cell membranes. Inflammation in the body is the primary indicator for cells to increase their tumor production and omega-3s have a counter role here.
Omega-3s also help in reducing the complications associated with cancer or its treatment, according to research. The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism also emphasizes using omega-3 for reducing the severity of cancer-induced symptoms.
Regulates Healthy Menstrual Cycle
The key to having a healthy menstrual cycle is to enhance omega-3 in the diet. The regular use of omega-3 can also help in reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome can also benefit from the regular use of omega-3 in their diet.
Alzahra and Shahid Beheshti Hospitals researched to assess the effectiveness of omega-3 supplementations in women with PCOS. Eighty-eight patients were under study, and those who consumed omega-3 for six months showed an improved menstrual cycle at regular intervals.
Gives You Better Skin
A diet rich in omega-3 can significantly help with various skin conditions such as acne, frequent breakout, and aging symptoms. The deficiency of these essential fats can result in worsening skin conditions. According to an experiment, consumption of flaxseeds rich in omega-3 has improved skin health.
Omega-3s are also useful in the wound healing process. Due to their anti-inflammatory effects, they work to increase wound healing and reduce inflammation in the body.
Helps In Losing Weight
Fats are widely notorious for causing an increase in weight in almost everyone. A balanced diet with the right fats such as omega-3s can work oppositely. Not only do they provide you with essential nutrients that are needed for many physiological processes, but they also induce some changes in weight and waist to hip circumference.
Omega-3s are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that have many other health benefits. They also help in managing lipid profiles which can be a reason for managing weight and obesity.
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Improves Neonatal Health
Consuming omega-3s in pregnancy can work in the healthy development of the fetus and improved overall neonatal health. According to research published in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, it has become clear that the use of omega-3s reduces the incidence of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Omega-3 consumption can help manage pregnancy-induced symptoms, which will positively work for the development of the fetus in a healthy environment. Other than that, they also play a key role in improving maternal health and dealing with postpartum effects.
Controls Mental Disorders
Omega-3 has a promising role in the development of brain health. Balanced and good brain health means that your brain works fine and is free from any sort of mental or behavioral disorder. As per research, using Omega-3s has also shown an improved cognitive function ability.
Omega-3 supplements have also shown good performance in dealing with symptoms of anxiety and depression. A recent study shows that omega-3 also helps manage many psychotic diseases such as Alzheimer's, autism, and dementia
Reduces Inflammation In Body
Many underlying diseases in the body can be a reason for inflammation. A study conducted to check the effects of omega-3 supplementation concluded that they help manage inflammation caused by various health conditions such as diabetes.
It is a better option to consume a healthy supplement that provides you with a daily dose of omega-3s. A diet rich in omega-3 will also help you manage the stress on the body induced by various health conditions.
Improves Your Eye Health
The dietary intake of omega-3 fish oil has significantly helped in reducing the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. The deficiency of omega-3 can cause various eye health conditions such as vision problems, dry eyes, and blindness.
According to Harvard Medical School, consuming relative amounts of omega-3 can help in improving eye health. Using omega-3 in moderate amounts can work effectively for a healthy eye and better vision. The DHA content in omega-3 helps in the preservation of vision and prevents blindness.
Give Shine to Hair
Diet and hair health are associated with each other to maximum. A good diet with all nutrients and vitamins can promote the growth of hair. The essential nutrients in omega-3 help grow hair follicles, helpful for long, lustrous, and shiny hair.
Scalp health maintenance can work positively for your overall health. A study conducted for six months examined the effects of omega-3 on hair loss. The results showed an improvement in hair loss in many women, which justifies omega-3 for hair health.
Preventive Role against Arthritis
Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that can be dealt with by consuming omega-3, which can also help improve muscle mass. Research has also proved that omega-3 has helped decrease the severity of arthritis and manage the body's autoimmune inflammatory response.
Omega-3s can work in improving bone health and density to the maximum point. You must consume Omega-3 in the diet regularly to have better bone conditions.
Is Omega-3 Harmful?
The benefits of omega-3s are no doubt wide. But, there must be a balance when consuming omega-3s for your better health. Consuming too much omega-3 can result in altered taste, smell, or nausea, and heartburn. It is always better to look for such symptoms and seek help if needed.
Omega-3 fish oil supplements do not interact with any medication or food and are safe to consume. The timings, however, should be monitored when consuming omega-3s for health purposes. Keeping a balanced amount of nutrients would bring many good and positive benefits to the body.
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Recommended Amounts of Omega-3s
According to the National Institute of Health, it is important to consume omega-3 from birth. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Omega-3 are different and vary with age and gender. It is necessary to monitor your needs for omega-3 and then adjust the diet according to that. The following table gives an idea for the RDA of omega-3:

Food Sources of Omega-3

Some of the common food options that contain amounts of omega-3 are:
- Fish
- Flaxseeds
- Salmon
- Oysters
- Chia seeds and walnuts
- Beans
- Fortified oils and butter
The consumption of adequate amounts of these nutrients helps in countering the effect of omega-3 deficiency.
Supplements for Omega-3

Since there are many limited food choices available for omega-3, supplements are a better option. They can provide you with the perfect amount of omega-3, fulfilling the daily intake requirements. Apart from that, these fish oil supplements also have a relative dose of EPA and DHA, needed to regulate cellular processes.
Omega-3 fish oil supplements can provide you many valuable benefits that will help improve morbidity and mortality in general. These supplements can provide 3000 mg of omega-3, 915 mg of EPA, and 630 mg of DHA.
Omega-3s are a basic requirement of the body and are an essential fatty acid that works as a precursor for regulating processes and mechanisms inside the body. They work on almost all body areas and have shown the improved performance of organs, backed by research.
It is mandatory to consume sufficient amounts of omega-3, which meet well with the set RDA's. There are many food options available for consuming omega-3. However, to give your body an immediate boost of omega-3, you can rely on supplements that are an effective and reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids.
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