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Power Muscle Burn Leg Workout for Intermediate-Level Fitness Enthusiasts

Are you searching for the Best Leg Workout for Intermediate Lifters? Here is a leg workout for intermediate lifters that you can do at home or in the gym to sculpt your legs.

Joe Wilson
Power Muscle Burn Leg Workout for Intermediate-Level Fitness Enthusiasts
Table Of Contents

If you're looking for an effective leg workout to help you build strength and power, look no further than the Power Muscle Burn Leg Workout. This workout is specifically designed for intermediate-level fitness enthusiasts, and it's sure to help you see results in no time.

The workout consists of exercises that target the major muscles in your legs, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Each exercise is designed to be performed with maximum intensity, so you can be sure you're getting the most out of your workout.

To keep things interesting, the workout is structured as a circuit, so you'll never get bored or feel like you're stuck in a rut. So if you're ready to take your leg workouts to the next level, give the Power Muscle Burn Leg Workout a try.

Workout Summary

Main Goal

Build Muscle

Workout Type

Single Muscle Group

Training Level


Program Duration

12 Weeks

Days Per Week


Time Per Workout

45-60 Minutes

Equipment Required

Barbell, Bodyweight, Machines

Target Gender

Male & Female

Recommended Supplements

Whey Protein Powder,
Creatine Powder

Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate, leg training is important for a number of reasons. First, strong legs are essential for generating the explosive power needed to lift heavyweights. Second, leg strength is crucial for maintaining good form and balance during lifts. Finally, well-trained legs can help prevent injuries during competition or training.

By targeting the primary muscle groups in your lower body, leg training can help enhance your sports performances and maintain more natural movement patterns. Let’s dive further to learn more about the benefits of leg workouts:

Stimulates Hormones

Leg workouts can significantly impact the release of hormones. Cortisol, testosterone, and Human Growth Hormones (HGH) are produced when you train your legs.

Cortisol enhances your body’s response to stress and raises the fat metabolic rate. Similarly, testosterone aids muscle protein repair and skeletal muscle development. HGH helps develop lean muscle, improves overall health, and reduces body fat.

Along with a leg workout, you can add DMoose Testosterone Booster to your diet, which may help you gain energy and stamina. It also enhances muscular development and strength in people who routinely exercise with weights. The incredible solution reduces stress while naturally increasing testosterone levels without any harmful side effects.

Helps Overcome Muscle Imbalances

You can achieve results by performing leg exercises with even one leg. Because it is important to engage both sides of your body equally, working each leg separately helps align your body and address muscle imbalances. Your dominant leg won’t have to overcompensate for your non-dominant limb in strength, mobility, and flexibility.

Engages the Core

Performing single-leg exercises can help you strengthen your core, improve your balance, and avoid injury, all of which are beneficial. Because they stimulate the same muscles on both sides of the body, they also aid in rehabilitation.

The wounded area on the other side of the body that you’re trying to strengthen can benefit from this type of indirect stimulation. Always begin with your non-dominant side while performing unilateral workouts.

Boosts Cognitive Function

Most people associate working out with physical benefits like increased muscle tone and weight loss. However, exercise can also have a positive impact on cognitive function. A recent study found that leg workouts, in particular, can help improve memory and increase brain activity.

The study participants who did leg workouts showed improved blood flow to the brain and increased levels of BDNF, a protein that helps promote neural growth. In addition, the leg workout group showed signs of improved executive function, including task flexibility and inhibitory control.

The results of this study suggest that even a simple leg workout can have a significant impact on cognitive function. So if you're looking for a way to boost your brainpower, consider adding some leg exercises to your workout routine.

Burn Calories and Promotes Weight Loss

Most people are familiar with the idea that cardio workouts help promote weight loss by burning calories. However, many people don't realize that leg workouts can also be extremely effective for weight loss.

For one thing, leg exercises tend to use large muscle groups, which means they burn more calories than exercises that target smaller muscles. In addition, leg workouts can help increase your metabolism, which means that you'll continue to burn calories even after your workout is over.

Finally, leg exercises can help tone and shape your legs, giving you a slimmer and more attractive appearance. So if you're looking to lose weight, don't neglect your legs - give them a good workout!

So without further ado, let us hit the ground and perform some leg-burning, glutes and hamstring exercises that will help you sculpt your lower body and build strength.

Workout Description

Three distinct training methods are used in this leg workout to help you grow quad and hamstring muscles. Please keep in mind that your quad and hamstring workouts will be broken up into two separate training sessions. Three days after your quad workout, focus on your hamstrings. Each muscle group will only be worked on once a week.

Power. To get things started, you’ll do four rounds of “power sets.” Three to five repetitions are considered a power set. For each of the four sets, use the same weight for all four sets. You should increase your weight if you can complete all four sets with five repetitions.

Muscle. Quadriceps muscle sets are performed between 8 and 15 repetitions. For the hamstrings, six to twelve repetitions are the ideal number of sets. For each set, use the same weight. When you reach the maximum number of repetitions for that muscle group, increase the weight. Each workout consists of six complete muscle sets, with three separate exercises.

Burn. When you’re done with your workout, you’ll do two burn sets using isolation movements. Then, for 40 reps, use a weight that allows you to complete 15–20 sets. How? Once you’ve completed a certain number of repetitions, take a little break and repeat.

Recover your strength and stamina by doing 1 to 3 additional reps without stopping. Keep going until you’ve completed 40 repetitions. When you can complete 25 or more repetitions without resting, increase the weight.

Workout 1








3 to 5




8 to 15

Leg Press



8 to 15

Front Squat



8 to 15

Leg Extension




Hack Squat




Workout 2





Romanian Deadlift



3 to 5

Romanian Deadlift



6 to 12

Good Mornings



6 to 12

Glute Ham Raise



6 to 12

Leg Curl




By performing these exercises with proper form and using challenging weights, you will be able to build lean muscle mass and increase your strength. You can add weights by using DMoose dumbbells that are great for muscle development. These adjustable dumbbells allow you to target multiple areas of your body with just a single pair.


Leg workouts are an important part of any fitness routine and can offer a range of benefits for athletes and non-athletes alike. They can help build muscle, tone and sculpt legs, strengthen core muscles, burn calories, promote weight loss, improve overall fitness, reduce joint pain, strengthen bones, engage major muscle groups, and alleviate lower back pain.

What’s more, leg workouts can also boost cognitive function and create an aligned, balanced, and symmetrical body. If you’re looking to add some variety to your current workout routine or are just starting out on your fitness journey, consider adding some powerlifting exercises to your next leg day!

Reading List

Article Sources

  • Improving Brain Health with Leg Movements. 24 May 2018,
  • Kim, Hee-jae, et al. “Increase of Circulating BDNF Levels and Its Relation to Improvement of Physical Fitness Following 12 Weeks of Combined Exercise in Chronic Patients with Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study.” Psychiatry Research, vol. 220, no. 3, Dec. 2014, pp. 792–96. PubMed,
  • Kannus, P., et al. “Effect of One-Legged Exercise on the Strength, Power and Endurance of the Contralateral Leg. A Randomized, Controlled Study Using Isometric and Concentric Isokinetic Training.” European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, vol. 64, no. 2, 1992, pp. 117–26. PubMed,

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Joe Wilson

Mr. Wilson is a motivated fitness instructor accomplished in helping clients of all fitness levels get into shape and achieve their health and fitness goals. Strongly believes health is a conscious lifestyle choice necessary for longevity and happiness.

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