Have you ever wondered why reducing belly fat is so hard, even if you're eating healthy and exercising regularly? It turns out there's a good reason for that – your abdominal muscles are one of the most stubborn areas to tone. But don't worry – there are exercises you can do to help target this area and improve your fitness overall.
Research suggests that people with excess fat in their abdominal region have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers.
You can help yourself win the war against abdominal fat by engaging in physical activity and adopting healthier habits. One great option is floor exercises. Let's take a closer look at how these work and how they can help you reduce belly fat.
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5 Best Exercises to Burn Calories & Reduce Belly Fat
Floor exercises are an effective way to target your abdominal muscles, and they can be done anywhere without any special equipment. So if you're looking for a way to start seeing results when reducing your belly fat, add these 5 best floor exercises to your workout routine today!
1. Hollow Body Hold

For those with intermediate to advanced fitness levels, the hollow body hold is an abdominal exercise that concentrates on the muscles in your core.
This exercise concentrates on creating the most tension possible in the abdominal muscles because of the force needed to press the lower back into the floor. As a result, performing it is a great move for athletes.
You can adjust to this move by moving your arms or legs if you're just starting.
A hollow body hold can be useful in exercise programs for intermediate to advanced levels as either a part of an abdominal and core circuit or a part of a dynamic warm-up.
To make the most of the hollow body hold, you must pay close attention to proper form and technique.
For added stability, you should perform this exercise on yoga or an exercise mat.
How to Perform It?
- Begin by lying on the floor with your legs extended and your arms by your sides.
- You can practice contracting your abs by involving your core and pressing your lower back into the ground.
- To start the motion, tightly squeeze your inner thighs together. The lower back and the floor shouldn't be separated in any way.
- Keep your abs tight as you lift your legs 2-3 inches off the floor. Maintain a flat lower back on the ground.
- Stretch your arms in front and behind you, and lift your head off the floor by 1-2 inches. Make sure your lower back is pressed into the ground.
- Hold for at least 30 seconds before bringing the shoulders and legs to the floor.
Working the obliques, quads, hip flexors, inner thighs, and spine muscles is easy with the hollow body hold. Additionally, it aids in strengthening and stabilizing the muscles in your lower back and core.
The hollow body hold, when used correctly, can assist you in standing more upright. Additionally, when the lower back and abs are in the proper positions, this exercise can help strengthen the muscles required to prevent lower back pain.
The hollow body hold will prevent your lower back from arching by strengthening your core. That's because you train your body to exercise the abdominal muscles when you force your lower back into the floor. Doing this can strengthen your core and help you gain more power.
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2. Reverse Crunch

A reverse crunch is one of the most effective exercises for your core. When you perform regular crunches, your weight is supported by your torso; however, when you do reverse crunches, your weight is supported by your lower body.
This exercise is fantastic for working out the whole body and can help you burn more calories. In addition, it can help you maintain and build muscle while simultaneously boosting your metabolic rate.
How to Perform It?
- Start by lying on your back with your legs straight up at a 90-degree angle.
- Put your hands on the ground in a flat position.
- Pull your legs and hips up toward the ceiling while bringing your knees toward your chest.
You will be better able to improve your posture and activate the major abdominal muscles if you perform reverse crunches. Additionally, it helps tone the muscles in your lower abdominal region.
Performing two to three sets of reverse crunches every week might be beneficial. You should perform exercises such as pushups, lunges, and squats to achieve the best possible results.
3. Supine Vacuum Pose

Your deep core muscles, specifically your transverse abdominis, or TVA for short, can be trained directly by performing the stomach vacuum exercise. You can increase the pressure inside your abdominal cavity by bracing your midsection with your TVA.
In conjunction with the other muscles in your core, it performs the function of a natural weightlifting belt and helps support your lumbar spine.
How to Do It?
- Lay on your back with your arms by your sides and your legs straight. Or, you can bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground.
- As you let out your breath, pull your stomach in and try to make your midpoint as thin as possible.
- Breathe normally and squeeze your abs for as long as you want.
- Relax your abs, breathe out, and do it again.
Exercises involving sucking in your stomach are an excellent way to improve your core strength. These exercises are superior for activating the deep abdominal muscles and the muscles that stabilize the spine. According to experts, the exercise can help strengthen your obliques and deep core muscles.
4. Scissor Kicks

Scissor kicks are an effective ab and core exercise that involve lying on your back and moving your legs in a scissoring motion. In addition to working your lower abs, these exercises will challenge your quads, lower body, and core. In addition to that, they help strengthen the hip flexors.
How to Do It?
- Lay down on a mat. Put your hands beneath your hips.
- Get your legs, head, and upper back off the floor. This is where things begin.
- Put your left leg down. Just before your left foot hits the floor, lift it, put your right foot down, and repeat.
The scissor kick is an excellent calorie-burning exercise. The number of calories you burn during exercise can range from 20 to 120, depending on factors such as the length and intensity of your workout. This is the equivalent of running at a moderate pace for fifteen minutes.
In addition, because they are a form of cardio exercise, scissors kick target and eliminate the excess fat located in the abdominal region while working all of the abdominal muscles.
5. Half-Seated Reverse Crunch

The challenging core exercise known as the reverse crunch focuses primarily on working the rectus abdominis muscle, which is located in the abdomen and is responsible for the appearance of a "six-pack."
It is a straightforward exercise that can be learned in minutes and is excellent for newbies and seasoned pros. You can continue to make it more difficult by increasing the number of reps and sets as you get stronger. This will allow you to continue to push yourself.
How to Do It?
- Sit on a bench and lean back until the angle of your torso is about 45°.
- Put your feet in front of you and your hands on the bench for extra support.
- Bring your knees to your chest and slowly let them back down.
Many people habitually bring their hands to their necks when performing sit-ups and crunches. The reverse crunch ensures that your head remains on the floor throughout the exercise, removing any potential strain from your neck.
The amount that your spine bends forward during crunches can significantly impact the amount of force applied to the discs in your spine. Some people believe reverse crunches are less stressful on the back than traditional crunches because they only flex your spine slightly.
The transverse abdominis, a deep muscle located below your abdominals and your external obliques, are activated when you perform reverse crunches.
1. What is the most effective way to lose belly fat?
The best way to lose belly fat is through exercise and a healthy diet. Eating foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help you feel fuller for longer and may help reduce the overall calories you consume daily. In addition, regular exercise can help you burn more calories and tone your abdominal muscles.
2. What common mistakes do people make when trying to shrink their belly fat?
One of the most common errors people make when trying to reduce their belly fat is that they do not perform enough cardio. Cardio is important for burning calories and losing weight, but it is especially important for shrinking belly fat.
Another typical error people make is to consume an unhealthy diet. A healthy diet is absolutely necessary for effective weight loss and a reduction in belly fat.
Last but not least, another frequent oversight is failing to get enough sleep. Your overall health and ability to shed unwanted pounds can benefit from getting enough shut-eye.
3. Is it better to exercise in the morning or evening?
You may wonder whether it's better to exercise in the morning or evening.
But there's some evidence that it doesn't matter when you exercise, so long as you do it regularly and consistently. However, some people may find that they need to exercise in the morning to get their day going, while others may prefer to exercise at night to wind down.
Here are some tips to help you find the best time for your workout:
- Schedule your workouts in advance. This will help you stay on track and ensure time for your workout.
- Find a time that works for you. If you have trouble working out in the morning, try working out at night.
- Make sure you have enough time. You should allow at least 30 minutes for your workout.
- Choose a time when you have energy. If you are tired, you may be unable to give your best effort.
- Stick to your schedule. Once you find a time that works for you, stick to it.
Take Away
While it may be difficult, getting rid of belly fat is not impossible. You just need to find the right exercise plan and stick with it. And even when you have reached your goal, you will still need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine if you want to keep that stomach looking toned and amazing! So don't give up; keep working at it, and you will eventually see results.
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Article Sources
- Akil, Luma, and H. Anwar Ahmad. “Relationships between Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases in Four Southern States and Colorado.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 22, no. 4 Suppl, 2011, pp. 61–72. PubMed, https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2011.0166.