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Make Your Arms Grow! Arm Building Workout for 2 Days

Are you new to growing stronger arms and need help? Consider this 12-week training program the best guiding tool for building muscular arms with core strength.

Steven Hill
Make Your Arms Grow! Arm Building Workout for 2 Days
Table Of Contents

If you're looking to add some size and definition to your arms, you're in luck! We'll give you a workout that will help make your arms grow in just 2 days! This workout is designed to help you tone and sculpt your arms, making them look lean and muscular. So, if you're ready to start building some impressive arms, keep reading!

There are many reasons why it is important to build arm strength. For one, strong arms are essential for everyday activities such as carrying groceries or moving furniture. They can also help to improve posture and reduce the risk of injuries.

Additionally, strong arms can help to improve your appearance and make you look more toned and fit. Building arm strength can help to improve your overall health and fitness levels. So if you're looking for a good reason to start working on your arms, there are plenty of them!

When it comes to working out, there are a lot of different opinions on how often you should train each muscle group. Some people believe that you should train each muscle group every day, while others believe that once a week is sufficient. So, what is the right answer?

Well, it depends on your goals. If you are trying to build muscle mass, then training each muscle group two to three times per week is ideal. This allows you to put enough stress on the muscles to trigger growth, without overtraining and risking injury.

According to research, training your arms two days a week is considered good enough. It gives the best results by growing the muscles compared to those who work out once a week. So let’s get into the workout and train your arms to beef up!

A 2-Day Arm Building Workout

This workout targets your upper body. It helps you in building strong muscular arms by increasing muscle mass. Also, this workout is for both males and females. Without further ado, let's dig into the details!

Workout Summary

Main Goal

Build Muscle

Workout Type

Single Muscle Group

Training Level


Program Duration

12 Weeks

Days Per Week


Time Per Workout

50-60 Minutes

Equipment Required

Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines

Target Gender

Male & Female

Recommended Supps




Whey Protein

Workout Description

This 12-week training program is not as hectic as it may sound. It’s one of the best programs that will help you build strong, sturdy muscles with improved endurance performance. You’ll need barbells, bodyweight, cables, dumbbells, an EZ bar, and machines to start. 

To achieve strong and big biceps, pumps are the only way to give you exceptional results. However, the question arises of how pumping affects the muscles and what is needed to do the sets. Don’t worry, it’s easy. You can do muscle pumps by lifting weights. Lactic acid builds up in your muscles when you lift heavy weights and draws water into them.

Secondly, your heart begins to pump more blood to the muscles since they need nutrients and oxygen to fuel them. In short, a muscle pump occurs when fluids such as blood and water fill inside your muscles. The accumulation of fluids makes your muscles swell, causing them to grow and look better than usual.

Besides this, you need to follow several exercises to do pumps. They include an incline skull crusher and EZ bar curls. Both these exercises are amazing for building your biceps and making them look peaked.

Building strong arms requires a two-day workout of 60-50 minutes, followed by a 12-week training program. It will give you enough time to recover the sore and torn muscles.

Workout Routine

  • Day 1 - Back, Forearms, and Traps
  • Day 2 - Arm and Chest
  • Day 3 - Off
  • Day 4 - Off
  • Day 5 - Arm and Shoulders
  • Day 6 - Off
  • Day 7 - Off


Supplements are a great way to fuel your body during a workout. A supplement with creatine elevates anaerobic energy in the body, which helps lift heavy weights. Besides creatine, intake of multivitamins increases the ability of the body to fight against germs and strengthen the immune system.

At the same time, BCAA's prove to help reduce soreness, fatigue, and tiredness and increase muscle growth. Lastly, the consumption of whey protein prevents muscle loss and promotes muscle restoration.

Workout Details

This workout plan focuses on three different exercises for both biceps and triceps. Use the tables Workout A and B below as a tool for guidance.

Giant sets are a high-intensity workout technique in which you perform four or more exercises for one muscle group consecutively. These sets are different from orthodox training and there is no formal rest time in.

Workout A




Close Grip Bench Press



Chin Ups (Palms towards face)



Incline Skullcrushers - Pump sets



EZ Bar Curls - Pump sets



Machine Dip



Machine Bicep Curl



Workout B




Cable Tricep Extension



Cable Curls



Tricep Giant Set:

Tricep Dips



Tricep Overhead Extension



Cable Press Down



Push Ups



Bicep Giant Set:

Lat Pulldown



Dumbbell Curls



Barbell Curls



Cable Curls



Machine Tricep Extension - 50 rep death set



Machine Bicep Curl




Arms are the most used part of the body and working on them will benefit you by strengthening them. With well sculpted and strong arms you will be able to perform daily activities or workouts without feeling exhausted.

Moreover, this two-day arm-building workout is effective for those looking for the right exercise for a long time. It includes several exercises which help in building attractive and well-built arms. One needs to follow this training program consistently and gain results.

Other than that, intake of supplements matters a lot. Exercise and supplements go hand in hand. Using supplements boosts muscle growth, repairs the damaged muscles and prevents you from feeling tired. We hope this blog helps you sculpt your arms the way you want.

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Steven Hill

Steven is a passionate health & fitness writer. Steven has considerable research experience, but also enjoys writing nutrition and workout articles for general readership. Today, it's easy to find health and wellness information. People use many different sites to get the information they ne

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