Doesn't it feel amazing seeing your favorite celebrities, models, and athletes with their perfectly trimmed bodies and a flat tummy? But it is not an easy task to get a flat tummy as it demands working on the core. We all know that exercising your core is tough and requires serious consistency, dedication, and hard work besides following a strict workout routine.
Interestingly, women are less likely to have a flatter midsection or abs than men. And some women are not meant to have a flat tummy at all because of their biological anatomy. Women have additional padding to protect vital organs that lie primarily in the midsection, making tummy transformation a little tricky. It doesn't mean that they cannot transform their tummies at all. With some exercises, a proper workout plan, and a nutritious diet, they can achieve a perfect core.
So, if you want to strengthen your core and achieve that flat tummy, you must follow tummy transformation tips.
1. Cut-Off Stress

It is crucial to manage stress during weight loss or tummy transformation. One of the steroid hormones cortisol is responsible for inducing stress and its variation affects the appearance of the midsection. Cortisol is a stress hormone that converts proteins into sugars inside your liver. Those converted sugars stay there in the form of fats as the body doesn't take up its energy for metabolic activities.
According to a review article, stress is one of the major factors responsible for obesity in adolescents. Stressful situations such as exams result in poor eating habits, leading to fat gain.
Finding stress-relieving/stress-reducing activities is a must. You can try journaling, walking, and chatting with friends instead of binge eating.
Furthermore, mindfulness combined with intuitive eating may help you make better dietary habits and feel less stressed than a strict diet, helping you lose belly fat more successfully.
Related Article: 16 Tips to Reduce Stress & Improve Your Joint Comfort During Workout
2. Core Muscle Buildup in Midsection

Women prefer a sleek and streamlined body. This streamlined look demands a muscular definition which can be achieved by building core muscles in the midsection.
A core is a strong column linking your upper and lower body. The muscles deep inside the abdomen and back that attach to our spine or pelvis make up the core muscles. A few of these muscles include transversus abdominis, pelvic floor muscles, and oblique muscles. A strong core is the base of all physical activities. So, it's essential to work on it.
Building core muscles doesn't imply that you start doing excessive crunches or ab exercises. It needs a balanced diet along with some exercise. If you have a more petite body, targeting midsection core muscles will not benefit you. It makes your tummy bigger instead of shorter.
However, exercises like weighted crunches and weighted side bend helps a lot in muscle buildup if your midsection has excessive fat.
3. Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

Many fad diets and supplements help reduce body fat, but incorporating healthy food options into your diet is one of the permanent solutions to reduce fat. You can start by increasing your daily protein intake and lowering down carbohydrates. There must be a balance between the macronutrients you consume, which vary from person to person.
Dietary proteins target fatty mass loss instead of fat-free mass during the weight loss journey. They promote satiety and maintain lean mass in the body.
According to a controlled trial, Protein intake in older men results in visceral fat reduction, which leads to obesity and other health issues. Adequate protein intake along with some physical activity is effective against obesity and maintaining a healthy muscular body.
Increasing your Protein intake will give you a sense of fullness and reduce your hunger so that you don't eat after every hour or two. Try adding foods like meat, eggs, yogurt, tofu, legumes, and cheese to your diet, as they are high in Protein.
4. Go for Resistance Training

Transforming your tummy becomes relatively easy when you indulge in resistance training besides taking balanced nutrition. Resistance training is better than cardio if your goal is losing excess body fat, be it tummy or other body parts. It ensures that you don't lose muscle mass after cutting down excessive calories from your diet.
You can try weightlifting and other resistance exercises requiring body weights like squats and lunges.
However, combining resistance training and cardio gives even better results for visceral fat loss. It is also suggested to combine resistance training and cardio for the obese.
5. Perform High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise type that involves short bursts of exercises followed by short rest in between to maintain a high heart rate. According to a study, exercising HIIT three times per week for an average of ten weeks lowered body fat mass and midsection circumference considerably. It takes 40% less time to train than resistance and continuous training, including activities like running, rowing, and utilizing an elliptical machine.
Another study suggests that HIIT assists people in burning up to 30% more calories relative to other sorts of exercises, such as cycling or jogging.
As a start, alternate between walking and jogging/sprinting for about 30 seconds. It is also good to cycle between exercises like squats, burpees, and pushups taking short rest periods.
Related Article: How to Warm Up for a HIIT?
6. Ensure Adequate Sleep

Enough sleep is essential for good health besides tummy transformation. According to a study, the individuals sleeping 7-8 hours exhibit less visceral fat than those sleeping less than 6 hours.
In another study, poor sleep or sleep deprivation leads to obesity and increases body weight. Since sleep deprivation is directly linked to the accumulation of belly fat, it is recommended to sleep 7-9 hours a day, if you want to achieve a flat tummy.
It appears that sleep deprivation ends in sleeping disorders along with weight gain and increased BMI. These things add up to build fatty muscle mass instead of lean one.
7. Create a Healthy Gut

Brian Quebbemann (MD, bariatric surgeon, and weight-loss expert) says, "Abdominal bloating is uncomfortable and makes your belly protrude." So, the gut microbiome must be healthy for a flatter stomach.
We all know that there are helpful bacteria living inside your gut, primarily in the colon. These bacteria make up your gut microbiome. Research suggests that poor gut bacteria balance might lead to weight growth, including belly fat.
Feeding them with probiotics and fiber makes them healthy. As per a review, eating low-fiber nutrition and having saturated fat and sugar content is bad for the gut microbiome. In contrast, fiber-rich nutrition full of fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on gut health.
Related Article: 15 Advantages of Probiotics That Will Change Your Life Forever
8. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is vital for maintaining a healthy weight. It hydrates your body and is also necessary for metabolic activities as the body is 70% made of water. It helps in easy digestion leading to no weight gain and ultimately no belly fat.
Enough water intake is another way to stay away from bloating. Jillian Michael (The Fitness App creator and celebrity trainer) says, "Water requirements vary from individual to individual but don't stop drinking water until your pee starts looking like lemonade. This is the way to know you have enough water intake or check that you are hydrated."
According to a study, taking 1 pint (570 ml) of water before meals will improve your satiety, reduce hunger, and cut off calories you take during meals. So, if you wish to transform your body from fat to fit, you must drink enough water.
9. Give Up On Beverages

One of the easiest methods to encourage long-term, sustained fat loss is to replace sugary drinks with healthy options.
Sweetened beverages, such as soda, are high in calories and have little nutritional value. Alcohol, too, is abundant in calories and appears to reduce inhibitions, increasing the risk of overeating. If you take alcoholic beverages and sweetened beverages, you increase your belly fat risk.
Drinks with fewer calories like green tea and coffee are the best alternatives to sweetened beverages and alcohol. Green tea has caffeine and is high in antioxidants, which can aid fat burning and metabolism.
A study reveals that increased coffee intake results in weight loss maintenance. Avoid using cream and sugar in your coffee to get the most health advantages. Instead, drink it black or with a dash of milk.
10. Avoid Allergic Foods

Regardless of taking a highly nutritious and macronutrient-balanced diet, your efforts will go to waste if you have food allergies. So, it's crucial to eliminate problematic foods from your life.
Allergic foods increase your body's fats, especially abdominal fat. Eliminating common food allergens, such as gluten, eggs, peanuts, dairy, corn and yeast. Many people are soy-allergic; they can eliminate soy from their diet.
When allergens enter your body, it initiates an inflammatory response that ends in food reactions. It's essential to know about your allergies and avoid eating such foods.
Final Thoughts
It's pretty attractive to have a flat tummy and it is not impossible to achieve that. You can do exercises to transform your tummy, such as resistance training, core muscle building, and high-intensity interval training.
Besides workout and training, you can incorporate Protein-rich foods and avoid allergy foods to reduce belly fat. Also, keeping yourself hydrated and staying away from sweetened beverages is a must for tummy transformation. Adequate sleep, staying away from unnecessary stress, and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome also contributes to reducing stubborn belly fat.
Lastly, it is essential to be consistent and motivated throughout your fat loss journey.
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